|26| Hellish Cycle

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Katsuki had just been admitted into UA and as he walked through the gate for the first time, he noticed a familiar green haired person. It was him, Deku was shining like always. He was smiling at the tall buildings and he seemed bright like the sun.

He wanted to talk to Deku again, but knew that their bond had probably been through too much. Deku would never give Katsuki the same warmth as when they were younger. Now the greenette seemed a little scared of the blond, who had casted away his sun.

One week in he noticed there was this sweet smell that no one else seemed to notice. It was always hanging in the classroom. Only that one annoying alpha bastard seemed to bat one or two eyes in the same direction as the blond. It always seemed to come from one person.


Katsuki hated his alpha features. He could smell all the gross alpha's scents and it made him sick to his stomach. Except for Deku's. The smaller greenette had a sweet addicting smell and it made Katsuki disgusted with himself. How could he think a Beta smelled good? They didn't even have one.

Katsuki's desire seemed to get out of hand, when he had chased the greenette to his room one day. The blond didn't know what he would've done when the door hadn't automatically locked. It terrified him how his body would lose all sense to a Beta.

Deku also seemed terrified as he had heard his silent sniffles and pants through the door. This was going to be way more difficult than Katsuki had thought.

As he didn't notice the man on the other side of the door had shared his warning thoughts.

After Deku's smell seemed to be everywhere and his desire seemed to keep growing, he eventually asked the redhead from his new class for advice. He seemed the only one not to ask any questions, one might say dense as a rock.

"Oi, Shitty Hair" Katsuki yelled in the Kirishima's face, as he thudded his bag on the person's desk. "What do you do when something is overflowing due to the rain?"

Kirishima looked at him in silence for a few seconds, not really knowing why this new blond boy was talking to him. "Umm" he eventually started to think over this other alpha's question. "I think you would have to find a bigger container"

"Or you can stop the rain"

Katsuki thought over the Shitty Hair's answer and returned to his desk without any other words. "Find a bigger container" That would mean, making Deku let me touch him. That seemed almost impossible. The greenette almost sticked to the other bastard alpha and hadn't come close to Katsuki even once.

"Stop the rain" he sighed in thought, knowing exactly what this had meant. Stop his desire. With Deku's smell that also seemed impossible. It was everywhere, making the alpha want to touch him even more badly every day.

Soon enough the only way the desire seemed able to surpress was with Katsuki's trusted feeling. Anger. If he pushed Deku away it became pretty clear the greenette avoided him at all costs. Which made the smell more managable. Katsuki thought he had made the right decision. Without even thinking twice about what happens to valuables sealed away with an angry ribbon. They all come back twenty times stronger.

Tears started welling up in kacchan's eyes, as he was forced to watch himself remake the same mistakes over and over again. Everytime he felt like he could control his body for a second it faded away the next.

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