|34| Overflowing Desire

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Katsuki tapped the boy's chin to the side and licked the omega's neck. Before he bit into it he whispered "Should we try and make another baby?" Izuku flinched as he felt the teeth sinking into his skin and blushed all over because of the words.

"You-you know I can't, silly" Izuku spoke through his pink flush and pushed the alpha's stomach to get him to sit back up. "I'm very infertile, don't forget that" he said and tapped his finger on the other's nose.

"Well it's only normal to forget" Katsuki said and bumped his weight onto the smaller man. "When all you do, is get pregnant" He embraced Izuku's complete body, as he pushed him further down into the matras. "Won't you do it again?" He muffled onto the greenette's bare stomach.

"Yuzuki was another coincidence" Izuku tried not giving in to the cute actions of the heavy man on top of him "Just like Katsumi" and kissed the alpha's forehead. Instead of arguing further the blonde started what he did best.

"Kaccha~" The omega immediately moaned out as the other started licking his already swollen chest. The nerves on his pink skin had been heightened to their most sensitive state, due to the biting and sucking from earlier. "Oww~" Izuku winced out due to the overstimulation.

Katsuki felt the space in between his hand and Deku's back increase, as the greenette pushed his head deeper into the bed. He knew every last piece of skin on Deku's body and how it would react as he touched it. So Katsuki smirked as he bit deeper into the pink round skin and slid his hand along the arching back. His fingers found the same place inside Izuku again and grazed it at the pace, he knew Izuku liked best.

"Aah~ Kaccha~ aaah~" The moans reached his ears like words telling him to do more. So he slid in more fingers, earning louder ones "Oh please~ Kacchan ju~aah~ just put it in~ " Izuku seemed to beg, as his hazy vision attached to the blond. "Please~"

"I don't think you're ready yet" Katsuki warned and then brushed the spot again at a faster pace. Izuku's eyes shot back off of him towards the ceiling, as his mouth opened lost in a breath.

"AAH~ wai~ wait no~ stop~" Izuku felt the heat peaking in his stomach, when suddenly the blonde seemed to obey his words with a doubtful look. "I-I don't wa-want to come yet" Izuku tried catching his breath, before turning around and arching his back. "Please come inside me first?" He asked, as he looked back at the other, who was now blushing.

Katsuki's length twitched, seeing Deku's ass on display, as the other begged him to do what he had wanted so bad from the beginning. He put his hands next to the greenette's and leaned over his arched body. He grabbed Izuku's shoulders from underneath and grazed his cheek along the smaller man's back.

"Don't say stuff like that" he whispered onto the other's pale skin "I won't be able to hold back" and then left on each wivel of Izuku's spine a soft kiss.

"I don't want you to" Izuku mumbled into the matras, as he tried reaching Kacchan's pants with his ass. He brushed it softly, feeling the grip on his shoulders tighten, like he had intended.

"Deku" Katsuki warned again and now bit around one if the kisses he had left. "Don't tempt me" he moved down to sink his teeth into one of the dimples on Izuku's lower back. "I don't want it to hurt"

"Oww" Izuku winced softly and felt the bitten skin throb. The alpha had never bitten him there before. It tingled all the way into his stomach. "I don't care" he surprised the other and looked back with those words.

"AAAH~!" Izuku almost screamed, as a heavy thrust slammed into his body. Sticky liquid stained the bed underneath him, as his muscled tensed up and his spine shivered.

"Did you just come?" Katsuki asked in a smirk, realizing the answer to his own question as he noticed the stains on the covers. "Will you bear with me and let me continue?" Another question sounded through the dark-lit room.

"Mhm" Izuku nodded, but already felt his hips tremble at the slightest movement. "AAAH~!" he screamed out again, but even louder, when another big thrust, send Katsuki deeper into his body. Izuku covered his mouth with one of his trembling hands.

Tears stung the omega's eyes, as the overstimulation broke down his every nerve. "AAAH~!" sounded even through his hand, as Katsuki wrapped his hands around Izuku's upperarm, for better impact.

He pulled the omega's arms and pushed in even deeper "AAAAAH~!" Izuku moaned, as he felt the hot feeling in his stomach built up again at a painful pace.

Katsuki shoved his weight onto the smaller boy, as he felt his muscle tense up at the greenette's clenching motions. "AAAAH~!" The omega brought out, worried for unknown burning sensation in his stomach.

Izuku bit his teeth, as the fire seemed to burn him from the inside. "AAAAAH~!" This didn't feel like a normal orgasm. What was this? Tears fell down onto the pillow due to the bigger man's impact.

Katsuki hands slid down to Izuku's wrists and pulled the greenhaired man up. "AAAAH~" the moans sounded closer to his ear, reassuring him to add more muscle.

"AAAAAAH~!" The omega's body screamed out louder than Katsuki thought he could. Izuku leaned back onto the other's chest, having lost his balance. Katsuki grabbed the greenette's hips in response and thrust to an even deeper spot from his new angle.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~!" Izuku moaned out and rolled his eyes back, losing sight of the blonde's face. Heat shot up to a deep place inside, as well as new stains on the covers splattered all over, due to Izuku also reaching his unexpected crescendo.

Katsuki let go of Izuku's hips and caught the other's worn out body. "Wa-was that too rough?" Katsuki quickly asked, having come back to his senses. He watched the other's kissed and bitten body catch its breath.

"No-no Kacchan" Izuku reassured with some recovered strength and grazed his hand along the other's cheek. "I-I loved it" and smiled softly, through heavy breaths. Katsuki slid from Izuku's entrance, creating another loud moan from the other's mouth "AAAH~" before the omega fell onto the bed and closed his eyes.

Katsuki watched his elevating length due to the sound from earlier and put his face in his palm. "Fucking idiot" he mumbled to himself and wished for it to go back down.

He pulled the covers over Izuku's bare body and leaned his head over the shorter man in an embrace. His desire for the other would never calm down. He worried about the container, the red head had talked about years ago, every night, as he would softly graze the other's cheek.

He loved Deku

Maybe a little too much

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