|33| Secure Place

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku looked down at the still closed pants, wondering how he should change that. Kacchan would sometimes use his mouth to get Izuku's pants off, watching him shiver in excitement. Even though the blonde had done that so many times with ease, how did it seem so difficult for the greenette.

"Don't be all nervous now" Katsuki smirked, noticing the glances Izuku was making unable to hide his nerves. "You literally said you wanted to try this" the blonde laughed as he covered his mouth, trying not to make the other even more embarrassed.

After he had watched Izuku's hands tremble towards the zipper of his pants for about 30 seconds, he softly embraced one of them. "Deku I told you" he whispered and kissed the hand in his "You don't have to do this" but watched as the other pulled his hand back with a determined face.

"I want to!" he protested and then lost eye contact again "I-it's just a little scary" he admitted and tried to hide his shame while looking away. "I-I want it to be good" he whispered towards the wall "bu-but I'm not like Ka-Kacchan"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Katsuki chuckled as he tried to get into the other's sight, as he leaned to the side. Just as he got closer the other turned away even further towards the wall.

"You-you're always good at everything" Izuku couldn't deny "You're really amazing Kacchan" he unveiled as he finally looked his alpha in the eye. "Even the first time you'd touched me in that classroom and in your dorm" he explained, as now the other seemed trying to lose eye contact. "It had always felt good"

"Bu-but" Katsuki stuttered out, realizing which moment the other was talking about. "That can't be true" he braided his fingers with Izuku's "I-I wa-was so rough" he mumbled out in shame, as he tried to forget the paining pressure on his chest.

"Yeah, at the end of it" Izuku whispered as he watched Katsuki's careful hand movements "but you haven't been rough with me even once ever since" he smiled at the pained expression of the alpha and tried to kiss the doubt of his face. "You treat me so well, don't you think I should do something t-"

"No" Katsuki firmly answered "Because what I did to you cannot be undone" he sighed deeply and then looked back at the jade eyes "I want you to never experience something you don't like ever again" After all those words had rolled out of his mouth, he let go of Izuku's hand.

Izuku never knew what to do. It seemed Katsuki still worried about his mistakes everyday. While Izuku couldn't even imagine Katsuki in that moment again, since he had been so gentle and careful ever since. It was clear he was still feeling guilty, for something the greenette didn't even feel any pain towards anymore.

How could the omega make him understand?

"Kacchan" Izuku succesfully didn't stutter out as he grabbed Katsuki's attention with his face between his small hands. "I wish I could make you feel what I feel" the omega spoke as a tremble showed in his voice "the-then you would know, how much you mean to me"

"And that Kacchan from that one night" Izuku continued, trying to ignore the lump in his throat "Tha-that wasn't you" Izuku tried making the other understand. "and the Kacchan who is here with me, treating me so dearly"

"He deserves the world"

Izuku brought his hands closer, as well as Katsuki's face and kissed him deeply, losing a tear, due to closing his eyes. "But I can't give it to you, if you won't let me" the omega watched as the alpha lost all words and said his last ones.

"So please let me in Kacchan"

After a short silence filled with a confusion on the blonde's side, he licked his lips and attacked the other in a kiss. Izuku almost fell over because of the impact, but felt one of the alpha's strong arm supporting his back.

"I love you Deku" Katsuki said, as his glassy eyes glanced at a tear before he wiped it away from the freckles. "I love you so much"

"I love you too Kacchan" Izuku smiled widely, before wrapping his arms around the taller figure and holding on tightly. They shouldn't act as if they're history didn't exist. Izuku was just glad they found a way to place it along with their beautiful secured memories.

Izuku let go of the blonde's neck and waited for the big hands to leave his back. He kneeled down in front of the seated blonde and watched as the blonde's face colored slightly pink. As his hands made their way onto the zipper, they were grabbed for a last attempt for reassurance.

"You're sure you want to do this right?"

Izuku didn't even answer his question and just continued opening the blonde's pants, as the reassurance he needed. Katsuki's length bumped into the omega's face. It caught him a bit off guard, but he was glad to see his alpha was still excited.

He licked the tip and watched the other's reactions carefully. Katsuki winced at the teasing motions, while one of his hands caressed Izuku's cheek. Izuku who felt the soft touches felt encouraged to use his mouth. As he opened his mouth, only then he noticed how big Katsuki's dick actually was.

How was this supposed to fit?

He tried opening his mouth wider to get further down, but even then he couldn't seem to get deeper. "Don't strain yourself" Katsuki assured softly, as he saw the other struggle.

Izuku couldn't help but wonder how Katsuki had made it all look so easy. It was embarrassing he couldn't even reach halfway, but as he watched the other's face, Kacchan did seem to feel good.

Izuku noticed Katsuki's hand losing the rhythm of his strokes on the omega's cheek, as he seemed to lose himself in his own pleasure. So Izuku tried picking up the pace and now also used one of his hands to add friction to the other half.

Katsuki's muscles seemed to tense up, as he grabbed both of Izuku's cheeks and pushed him away. He came all over his pants, as Izuku watched the white liquid slide down his hand.

"I wanted you to come in my mouth too" Izuku spoke, sounding a little offended "Why did you take me away?" He asked in a disappointed tone.

"It doesn't taste good" Katsuki promised to try and give a valid reason. "I swear, you don't want that in your mouth"

"But you do that for me all the time?" Izuku said dumbfounded, now even more curious to the taste.

"Yours is different" Katsuki smiled and pushed Izuku back down on the bed. "Yours is sweet, I like it" earning a deep tint of red on the other's face.

"I couldn't go deep enough" Izuku admitted in a sad tone "and I didn't use my hands as skilled as you" he confessed to the person above him "but I'll get better and get skilled like you!" The omega swore as he made the same determined face as in the beginning.

"Deku, it doesn't matter" Katsuki chuckled and kissed the other man's forehead dearly. "When I see your face and my brain can actually comprehend it's you who's touching me"

"It's enough to make me come"

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