Linda Has To Stay Behind

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~~~Catherine's pov~~~

"Why can't I go with you and Loki?" Linda asked me as we walked to where the god in question was training.

"Because the variant can't be trusted. Not yet. So, until we get back, you'll be staying with Miss Renslayer." I answered.

I didn't like how quickly she had become fond of him. She's never done this with any other variant before.

I knew that if we had to end up pruning him, she would be heartbroken.

And let's face it. Once this variant helps us catch the fugitive variant, he'll be pruned. They won't have any other use for him then.

But if I can change that, I will.

"Why don't you go get him for me?"

"Okay!" She smiled before skipping off around the corner.

~~~3rd person pov~~~

She rounded the corner and saw Loki trying to hit Miss Minutes with a magazine.

She didn't have a problem with that. In fact, she laughed.

~~~Loki's pov~~~

Oh, how I hated that clock.

I don't know why. I just find it very annoying.

Hitting it with that magazine was probably the best part of my day. Well, that and spending time with Linda. She's a very sweet little girl.

As I was using the magazine against the strange hologram, I heard familiar laughter behind me.

I turned and saw Linda standing there.

"Why are you laughing? I thought you liked the creepy clock." I joked, but still slightly intrigued. If she was the daughter of a TVA employee, then she should be more fond of the clock.

She leaned over and whispered, "Just between you and me, I think she's terrifying. Like level ten scary."

I laughed at that but still wondered why she would think it was scary. Sure it was irritating but definitely not scary.

"So you don't mind if I keep hitting it with the magazine?"

"Nope. I don't mind at all. But that magazine you're using is Mobius' jet-ski magazine. If you want to live, don't let him see you with it."

"Noted." I said, putting the "jet ski" magazine back where I found it.

"My mom said there was another attack by the fugitive variant. They need your help." She informed me.

"Okay, let's go then." I sighed.

I hate this place. I do. The only thing that makes it bearable is Catherine and Linda's presence.

It's hard to explain, but I feel a strong connection with the two of them.

"Oh, and she wanted me to give you this." She handed me a jacket.

I thanked her and put it on before heading to where Linda said everyone else was.

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

Linda and the variant showed up while B-15 was explaining the situation.

"C-20 and her team went dark shortly after they jumped to the 1985 branch. All signs point to another ambush. We've grabbed enough temporal aura to know it's our Loki variant. But which kind of Loki remains unknown."

"The lesser kind, to be clear." The variant added, making me bite my tongue to hold back a laugh.

Why is he so damn funny?

"Let me see the back of that jacket."

He turned and showed us the back of the jacket that had the word Variant on it in big orange letters.

"Very subtle. Well done."

"I don't want anyone out there to forget what you are."

"Oh, your only hope of catching a murderer?" He raised a brow.

"No. A cosmic mistake." B-15 fired back.

That was a little harsh.

Loki seemed a bit hurt by that, but the hurt in his eyes vanished when he saw Linda smiling up at him kindly.

How do they get along so well? And why?

I'll admit, I wasn't expecting the variant to be kind like this. Or that his eyes would be that green...

My Brain- No! Stop! You are not catching feelings for him!

My Heart- What? No, of course not. Okay, maybe...

My Brain- No! Say it with me. You. Do not. Have feelings. For. The. Variant.

My Heart- I do have feelings for the variant.

My Brain- No!

My head was fighting with my heart. I mean, Linda seems to really like him. And he seems to like her as well, so maybe...

No. It can't happen. I'm a TVA analyst. He's a time-variant and not to mention the literal God of Mischief.

I sighed, pushing the thought out of my mind, and knelt at Linda's level.

"Okay, sweetie. While we're gone, go to Miss Renslayer's office. She'll take care of you until we get back."

"I know, Mom." She nodded, turning in the direction of Ravonna's office, and started walking away.

~~~3rd person pov~~~

As soon as Linda saw everyone leave through the time doors, she stopped and started running in the opposite direction, away from Renslayer's office.

~~~Casey's pov~~~

Today has not been my kind of day.

I just found out that they're not pruning the guy who said he would gut me like a fish.

And he's a Loki variant.

Just great.

Whenever we bring in a Loki variant, they always pick on me!

I sighed, sitting down at my desk.

"Hey!" A small voice shouted from under the desk.

I looked down and saw Linda hiding under the desk.

"You hiding from Renslayer again?"

She nodded.

It was routine at this point.

Whenever her mom and Mobius were both on assignment, she would come here.

Her mother wants her to stay with Renslayer, but she always gets out of it by escaping here.

~~~3rd person pov~~~

"So, what do you want to do? You can play with the colorful paperweights." Casey suggested.

Linda shuddered and cringed almost unnoticeably when he gave her the box of stones.

"No thanks. I'm good." She said quickly.

~~~Casey's pov~~~

I don't know why she acted like that around the weird rocks.

They weren't really anything special.

Am I missing something?

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