Chapter60 (Final chapter)

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i woke up in bed with josh, after he asked me to marry him i said yes. i couldnt fight it anymore me and josh belonged together it was obvs i wanted him and he wanted me. anyways i said yes so we were organising our wedding, he wrapped his arms around me then started kissing me slowly. i knew this was the start of our new life and i was enjoying it. naveah was acting bare different she didnt speak to me or tell me how she felt about us getting married. i thought she would be happy about it but obvs not, i tried speaking to her but she doesnt really speak. i knew there was something bugging her but she wouldnt tell me:

me: we need to speak to naveah.

josh: she probs needs some space.

me: mm true

i slipped out of bed slowly then went to go make breakfast for everyone, josh didnt come down untill he could smell the food cooking. he wrapped his arms behind me then started kissing my neck, i knew when he did this it led to something more so i stopped and laughed at him:

josh: im hungry

me: go get tj and tell naveah breakfasts ready

josh walked upstairs but he came back down just with tj, naveah wasnt in her room she'd obvs sneaked out lastnight. i rang her phone but she wouldnt answer me, she never useto be like this i dunno whats brought all this on, i guess she was just growing up i know i was like this when my gran tried to look after me i just threw it all back in her face and now she aint here it makes me think. you should never take things for granted. i walked into naveahs room, her bed wasnt slept in and some of her clothes were gone. i guess she just needed some space, thats what i was gunna give her. after all i had a wedding to start planning and i was gunna get leshans help. i texted renee then asked her if she could help and she said yeah. i knew it was gunna be awkward for her seeing her ex get married but i knew she would be happy me and josh were finally together. i knew i had to start getting everything ready, i had dates to plan and the dress and guests and stuff:

josh: you've got months to doo all that.

me: yeah i wanna get prepared now, the times gunna fly bye yano

he smiled at me then walked upstairs to get a shower, we was still gunna move from here. it was just that josh was coming with us to. we was delaying it till next week josh had to move all his stuff to i knew it was gunna be effort but it was gunna be worth it knowing me and my baby were finally gunna get married, i've always wanted to get married and have kids i guess this was happening already. i found the right guy and i have a nice family, leshan came mine 2hours later. she wore her leggings and a crop top she looked hottttttt, then renee came she was wearing a maxi dress and flipflopps. i hugged her then we sat down in the living room talking about the past, the past was something i didnt like bringing up but i needed to accept how i was and talk about it:

leshan: cant beleive your getting married!

me: i cant either

renee: are you excited?

me: yes!

we started laughing then looking on the laptop at wedding dresses, leshan chose ok ones but renee chose expensive ones. renees son was at his dads house (kyle) i was wondering why she loved having my ex's but owell. i just let her:

renee: ive gotta go at 4 ment to be picking up keano

me: aww, you should bring him here to meet us one time 

renee: i will!



we was a our new house in manchester, it was nice im not gunna lie it was big and spacey and we all had room to move around init. everyone had there own room even tj, but me and josh shared. i kissed him bye when i had to start my job, it was weird. everyone was rushing around and i was just stood there like a weirdo some guy rushed up to me,he seemed gay:

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