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naveah; mummy emily's mummy's had a baby when you having another baby,?

Me; soon babes..

i walked to the bathroom then started being sick it was just the fact that i started to remember about the baby and that, ive not beat since its like josh doesnt want to everytime we come to do it he'll stop and walk out to go toielt he ruins the vibes, we havent been as close as normally hes allways out+doesnt come back till like the next day.Today was the day i was going shopping just me+naveah i asked josh to come but he didnt want to he was going football with his mates, i got naveah dressed in her trackies+airmax then tied her hair into a bun i sat her upstairs on my bed then took pictures of her she looked beautifull, after i did all that i got dressed i was wearing the same outfit as naveah pink trackies+airmax i tied my hair back to so we looked like each other i thought it looked cute after all that we started walking bustop,;

Naveah; mummy can i get some new shoes?

Me; yeah babesxxx

we finally got to the shopping centre+ loads of people were just staring at us watching us some girls screwing i just carried on walking with naveah talking to me,we bought some clothes then i went JD+got naveah some more vans/airmax pink blue red yellow purple loads, she started laughing then i smilled with her the worker in Jd was looking semi nice thou i just walked round to look at the adult shoes then he came up to me;

Worker; can i help you with anything?

Me; no im fine thanks.

shortly after he asked for my pin i gave it him then smilled then left,naveah was getting hungry now so i decided to take her to the foodcourt we got Mcdonalds and sat down and ate,she started talking;

Naveah; mummy why doesnt daddy talk to you that much?

Me; what d'ya mean he does?

Naveah; no he doesnt he looks at you funny then walks upstairs, you's didnt use to be like that whats happened?

Me; where fine baby i promise you..

when she said this it made me feel bare sad it just proved how quick kids pick up on things i pinned josh+said we need to talk laters, he just put itee then his pm was with shans+louise, i felt semi hurt cause he couldnt/didnt tell me he was gunna be with them it was like he was moving on without me he didnt need me anymore i was just this thing that nagged him when he came home,i had a tear in my eye when a group of boys came up to me+naveah;

Boy; oi hot stuff can i have your pin?

Me; no im tryna eat in peace.

the boy walked away then i saw someone i thought id never see in a long time it was dylan,my ex for years ago, he was my propper first love he'd changed sooooo much he was the normall white boy with swagg and that he was the 2nd best id ever had tbh,i think he saw me cause he walked over and started smiling;

Dylan; longg time kyra!

Me; iknow ah where've you been?

dylan; working init ;), is this your daughter?

Me; yeah naveah say hii babes?

Naveah; hii.

Dylan; so what you doing down here?

Me; just shopping init.

Dylan; drop me your pin i dont wanna loose contact with you.

i gave him my pin then got up me+naveah walked out then waited for the bus and went home :)


as i was unlocking the door i could hear noises comming from inside my house i put the bags down then walked upstairs naveah watching tv, i walked slowly then got to my room,i actually couldnt belevie what i saw, josh was in our bed with some next girl they were practically having sex just kissing each other like i wasnt in the room when he saw me he stoped and she jumped up i went sickk at her and started slapping her,josh was holding me back telling me to calm down i just burst out crying she ran out the house quick then i started shoutinng at josh;


Josh; calm the fuck down we wasnt beating was we?

Me; get out.

He got his jacket then walked out the house, i sat on my bed and started crying propper tears, i couldnt beleive he did this to me cheated on me+naveah he actually made me fall for him+he goes and does this to me? i need soo much better then him since the miscarrige he's been acting diffrent lately like i mean nothing to him iknow it hurt him but it hurt me to i lost a baby, i think this was the end of me+josh forever now i needed diffrent someone who cared about me he obviously didnt.

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