Chapter 12

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I walked for time i didnt know where i was going i felt ashamed i nearly hurt my baby kyra i was walking for time then i stoped at the house i thought i was never gonna go to again liana's. i walked up to the step and knocked on the door she answered then i walked up to her and kissed her lips i felt her soft hands touch mine then it happened i grabbed her hand and took her upstairs she walked up with me without saying anything then we got to her bed and i took her clothes off her i descided to do it slow then fast then slower then i was pacing myself she was moaning in pleasure after about an hour i stoped and got dressed;

Liana; where you going

Me; home.

Liana; what about me  what about what just happened with me and you

Me; im sorry it was some big mistake you know im with kyra idont have a clue why i just came to you.

Liana; oh so our 2year relationship was a mistake me+our unborn chid was a mistake when i lost it you wasnt saying it was a mistake?

Me; i dont mean it like that just leave it ye

Liana; just get out ok

i walked out of hers and walked back to my mums i could see the lights were on then i saw kai+dad  sleeping on the chair i opened the door and walked upstairs to see my mum sleeping she looked so peaceful and calm i went up to her and kissed her forehhead she twitched alittle and then was back to sleep i walked back in my room and rang kyra;

Me; kyra its me


Me; Look im sorry i would never do anything like that again iloveyou kyra your my baby+you know that im sorry ive been amess lately its just everything with my mum+fam ive been all over the place.

Kyra; i sorry too for not being there for you+iloveyou to baby

Me;when i get yours we'll talk about it+whats mali doing now?

Kyra; shes still asleep should i bring her to you in a taxi il pay

Me; no ill pay+yep there going my dads tonight.

Kyra; okay babes XXX


Kyra;s pov;

i walked back into the living room and picked up mali she was soo cute asleep i walked out mine+then locked the door the taxi was allready waiting out side i put mali in the taxi then we drove to josh's,10mins later we got to josh's house i knocked on the door then he answered he kissed my lips then i walked in there was some hench lightbrown guy sitting on the chair he looked like josh but a semi nicer version i walked inside then sat down on the chair his dad was staring at me then he spoke;

Josh's dad; whos this beaut then?

josh; My girlfriend.

he walked over to me+put his arm around me i kissed his lips+then he pulled away+took my hand i walked up stairs with him+then into his bedroom he sat me on his bed and started kissing my kneck this time i felt relaxed i let him do it for about 10minuets then he stopped and  layed down on the bed he put my head on his lap+started talking;

Josh; its alright we dont have to do anything i understand

me; i want too,show you how much i love you babe

Josh; you dont have to prove it yet babes iknow you do..

Me; i want to.

i kissed josh pationatly then placed my hands on his dick i could feel it rising i unbuttoned his pants the he took them off he took my t-shirt off and started sucking on my tits gentally i let out little groans he looked me in my face and then carried on after about half an hour he put it in  me he was baree bigg i let out bare groans then he touhed the spot he was better then jerome i started shaking then i passed out.

2hours later;

i was in bed with josh his arm was over me+i had my p'jays on i dunno how i got them on i cant remember,i turnt to face josh+then i kissed him he looked at me and kissed me back more pastionatly i stoped then laughed he started laughing at me too+then we started talking about how it felt;

Josh; gotta admitt i was your best.

Me; ahah ok im gonna admitt you are my best+you'll allways be my best iloveyou josh

josh; good cause iloveyou+nones gunna take your place.

i kissed him on his lips then i fell asleep on his chest.


Josh's Pov;

it was bare early in the morning i couldnt sleep i kept thinking about kyra+she could be preggs we didnt use anything i started getting bare nervous and that i walked to the bathroom then had my wash i got ready the walked to the shop to buy kyra a pregnancy test i wanted to make sure she wasnt gonna have my baby+everything was gonna be fine,i got in the shop+saw liana she was standing in the line looking like she'd been crying i walked up to her+then started talking;

Me; whats up with you?

Liana; nothing why you up so early anyway?

Me; need to get something for ky wbuu

liana;idont know...

Me; you ill or something?

Liana; something like that..

Me; ok imma go now yeah il see you later or something..

Liana; yeh

i walked back home to see kyra throwing up she was crying too+her eyes where all red i saw my mum getting her a drink+cloth so she could wipe the sick off her mouth she looked at me then started crying i walked oer to her+she hugged me tight i walked to the chair with her in my arms+she started crying more;

Kyra; j-j-josh,i-i-i could b-be p-p-pregs i remember we didnt use anything&&ive been throwing up

Josh;if you are its good we can start a family ill get a job ive got you the test here babes so we can see  if you are.

Kyra; thanks baby can we do it now?

Josh; yeah go upstairs if you want Xxx

she walked upstairs while my mum was cleaning the sick in the sink i walked over to my mum and kissed her head she looked at me+mimmed sorry i nodded my head+walked upstairs to kyra she was sitting on the toilet seat just crying her eyes out i went up to her then kissed her head then i kissed her kneck she looked up at me then dried her eyes i could tell she was trying to be brave she did the test then we waited+waited+waited finally it flashed;


i looked at kyra then she looked at me and had a little smile then she started crying she cried bare hard on my shoulder i was semi happy i was gonna be a dad but on the bad side we didnt have much so i had to start working+saving now i really wanted us to have a big house or something just till the babies born+stuff like that i had it all planned out in my head i walked kyra to our bed then let her sleep i had to tell my mum the good news.


kyra's pov;

 i couldnt beleive i was actually preggs i was really gonna have a baby with josh i wanted to but i wasnt too sure i was feeling scared he took it well i thought he was gonna be upset but he wasnt he was bare happy,i sat up&threw up this time it landed everywhere on me on the covers+on the bed i couldnt sit up i heared everyone walk up to our room his mum came in and saw the sick then she looked at josh she got me out the bed and cleaned me up then she cleaned the room and changed the covers, i needed some air so i put my airforces on+walked to the bustop iknew who i was going to see...

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