How To Celebrate Fall Without Being Demonic

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Can you smell that? The warm fresh scents of apples, vanilla, pumpkin spice, and let's not forget about the fresh pumpkin pie Granny is baking. Don't you know it summer just flew by and now fall is here, the leaves are turning, and pumpkins patches are opening. But with fall comes Halloween and as Christians we all know Halloween is basically Christmas to Saten worshipers. And as a fall lover I'm always scared that I'll cross the line and somehow do something that is unholy. So, over the last two years I have found ways to love fall but not Halloween and to avoid any part of sin that comes with the season.

How Celebrate Fall But Not Halloween?:

1: When it comes to decorating your house for the season avoid items that say 'Happy Halloween' or have any witches, zombies, vampires, etc. On them. Instead stick to more nature related items like pumpkins, leaves, etc.

2: Instead of going to haunted houses or Halloween parties. Try going to pumpkin patches, corn mazes, take a walk through the woods and enjoy the leaves changing colors, have a bonfire, bake fall goodies and share them with friends, family, and neighbors, etc.

3: Avoid horror movies or any fall movies that you personally feel are going to weaken you in your walk with God. Personally, when I want to watch a spooky movie, I stick to the family ones therefore they aren't forcing paranormal down your throats.

4: Don't Trick or Treat.

5: Carve pumpkins but carve bible verses into them. Or paint them to have the holy ghost on the pumpkin. Or even take a sharpie and simply write 'Jesus Is King' on a pumpkin.

How To Make Halloween Also A Day To Share God's Word.

1: Instead of handing out candy hand out bibles.

2: If you want to hand out candy then also hand out notes that have prayers, bible verses, personal Godly advice, etc. And pray over both the candy and letters that they may fall into the right hands that need them the most.

4: Don't dress up to hand out candy instead wear a shirt that has a bible verse on it or another piece of clothing that represents God.

5: Gather friends, Family, your neighbors, etc. and have a bible study at your house or somewhere else you feel comfortable at. Pray that God may bless and protect the people who choose to trick or treat. Pray against any spiritual attacks and pray that God may change the hearts of people who believe they are witches and also to change the hearts of people who practice Satanism.

Sidenote: If you really want to dress up then have a fun bible study where everyone shows up dressed as a person in the Bible which inspires them the most or simply dress up as something that is funny but isn't demonic.

6: Or you can do what I am doing for Halloween,

I am handing out candy but also a long note that will have a prayer, bible verse, a few Christian song recommendations, also a bible app recommendation, and some recommendations for Tik Tok Christian Influencers who have helped me in my walk with God.

Personally, I really wanted to hand out bibles but unfortunately, it's not in the budget this year.

Should A Church Participate In Halloween Such As Trunk Or Treat and other things?:

The short answer is no, the church is a holy place and Halloween is evil. We shouldn't welcome evil in. As Christians it's our job to protect the church and what it stands for.


Well, that wraps up this chapter I hope this helps whoever reads this and may you have a blessed day/night:)

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