4: Prayer Request Sunday

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Happy Sunday Y'all:)

Sidenote: Remember to comment your prayer request in the comment section and then I'll post them in this chapter so we all can pray for each other:)

Prayer Requests For The Week: 

Grace Green's Prayer Request: (Mine)

1: So, I don't know about you but I'm the type of woman that if I don't have a man's full attention then he doesn't have me. So, as I mentioned before there is this guy, (for the sake of it I'll call Grayson, not his real name) well Grayson is the guy I had and still have a crush on and he's the one who practically ran out to get a girlfriend when I told him I liked him after being friends with him for a couple months. Well, mind you when he told me he had a girlfriend I did the respectful thing and stopped talking to him as I will never be known as the girl that made another girl's boyfriend break up her. And so, it had been a couple weeks of no contact from either side until a few days ago and in which he sent me a snap on snapchat. It wasn't anything special, but it was the first I'd heard from him in weeks. So, I sent a random snap back and that went on for about fifteen minutes before I left his last snap on open as I don't know if he still has a girlfriend or not. Well, then last night I had a dream that was about him. I won't go into many details but basically, he had broken up with his girlfriend and sent me a text saying he missed me. Now I know most of the time dreams don't mean nothing but y'all I have been praying about this guy for months and this dream just felt different, but I also know that the devil could just be messing with my mind so even though I want to believe what I saw in the dream I will also keep in mind that it could be nothing. But if y'all could pray for God to show me if Grayson is going to be my next boyfriend that would be amazing because I've been praying about it, and I'm as confused as I was when I first met Grayson.   

2: Also, potty training my puppies is a nightmare of it's own so if you could pray that my puppies learn to go outside to potty that would be amazing:)

(And That's All My Prayer Requests For This Week:)

Then let's all come together and pray for the members of 'The Holy Sisters United'.

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