3: What Meets The Eye

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Y'all, you see I have these small tear-drop shaped brown/wooden earrings I wear with most of my outfits because one, they're a neutral color and two, because they basically go with anything. However last night I went looking for some jewelry I hadn't seen nor wore in nearly a year. I eventually found them but as I searched and found that jewelry set, I discovered that my other earrings were nowhere to be found. I didn't get upset or stressed, but it bugged me that I couldn't find them. I looked in my closet, under the sink, on the counter of the sink, and even in my car. But to no avail I could not find the earrings. 

By the end of the night, I was a little upset I will not lie, for they are unique earrings that I had received as a gift the year before. But as I went to bed, I promised myself I would recheck every place tomorrow. Well today rolled around and I became busy with hosting a guest and other meaningless tasks. But when I found the time to search for them once more, I checked the car and did not find them. I was worried because if they were not in the car then where were they?

Once I returned to my room, I rechecked my cloest and what do you know? They were sitting right on my shelf right in front of my eyes.

Afterwards God put this message in my head...

God blesses us with so many wonderful things, sometimes they are big and sometimes they are small. At times we don't even realize that God has blessed us. And sometimes we don't even realize how much things mean to us until they are gone. So today, I urge you to thank God for everything you have. Rather big or small, thank Him for everything; for without Him you would have nothing.

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