1: The Little Girl And Her Father

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Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved her father deeply, but he hated her. She would bring him her most beautiful doll and softest teddy bear. He would pick them up and stare at them with narrowed eyes, for he could not understand why this child would bring him such useless and meaningless things. He would toss them aside and scold the girl for bothering him. 

However hurtful his words were, the little girl always walked away with a smile for her father had noticed her. 

We aren't the little girl; we are the father. God brings us things that He has chosen for us and because we are selfish beings we often scoff and tell Him it's not good enough. Can you believe that? Us mere humans reject what the creator of the world has blessed us with. As humans we always want bigger and better but that's just it, we WANT things. That doesn't mean we NEED them. 

Always be thankful for what God has and hasn't given you. And remember this war isn't between us and the devil. It's between God and the devil, only the devil plays dirty and drags us into it. 

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