6: Prayer Request Sunday

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Hey, y'all, so I know it's been a while since the program has published a weekly prayer chapter. But starting now, we will be back to publishing a prayer request chapter every Sunday:)

So, how this works is, I will list prayer requests down below that people have requested for us to pray for them about. And then we pray for them. It's as simple as that:)

Grace Green (Me). (I wrote this in a third person's P.O.V. so it would be easier to understand:)

Grace requests that we pray for her. She is under a lot of stress right now, and she asks that we pray that some of the burdens may be lifted off her shoulders. She also asks that we pray for her mother, who had knee surgery and is still recovering. She asks that we pray for healing for her mother. Her sister, Summer, has met a very nice and godly man, and Grace asks that we pray that this man is Summer's godly husband. Winter, another one of Grace's sisters, is going through a really hard time and facing a lot of personal struggles, so Grace asks that we pray for Winter. And then Autume, Grace's other sister, is about to get engaged and might be getting married this fall or next winter, so Grace asks that we pray for Autume and that everything will work out for her. Grace also asks us to pray for her grandmother, who is currently struggling with some health issues, Grace asks us to please pray for healing for her grandmother. Grace's neighbor is currently battling an uncurable cancer, and Grace asks that we please pray for a painless journey for him. She asks that we pray for God to remove her neighbor's suffering and pain. Grace asks that we pray for Winter's dog, Bella, who is suffering from hip dysplasia and is in a lot of pain. She asks that we please pray for God to take away the pain. Grace asks that you pray for safe travels for her and her family, for Winter will be flying back home soon, as well Autume and Summer will be driving across the country for a women's Bible retreat. And then Grace and her mother will be traveling down state for some doctor's appointments. Grace asks that we pray for her ex, who is to have surgery in March. She asks that we pray her best friends Nat and Anna. Grace asks us that we pray they will find their soulmates. They deserve the world, and she prays God blesses them with men who will give them the world. Friends of Grace's family will be traveling back here from Florida soon, and so she asks that we pray for safe travels for them. Finally, Grace asks that we pray for her. She asks that we pray that God will rebuke the imposter syndrome Grace is currently suffering with when it comes to writing. 


mimi_chanix asks that we pray for (BlessingStardust). She asks that we pray for a change in (Blessingstardust)'s family situation. Her sisters and mother called their younger cousin a harlot behind her back, and our dear sister acknowledged that she is too scared to stand up to them due to their relentlessness and harshness towards other perspectives. (mimi_chaix) asks that we pray for (Blessingstardusts) family to turn to the way of love and to speak with grace, saying only what is good. She asks that we pray for (Blessingstardusts) family to be renewed in mind and spirit, not confirmed to the flesh and toxic ways of the world.


(Natalianette) requests that we pray for people's mental stability. She asks that we pray for her mother, who struggles with anger, depression, and eating disorders. She asks that we pray for some of her friends who are mentally unstable. She asks that we pray for one of her friends, who she's recently unfriended and has distanced themselves from church and has started to change. The friend is spending a lot of time with bad influences. She asks that we pray for former friends of hers who mock God. 


(Ghettoshiek) asks that we pray for her sister, who is currently studying abroad. She asks that we pray for her sisters' visa and permit that allows her to study aboard. She also asks that we pray for a couple to whom she saw on Instagram. The wife, Amber, is currently carrying twins and is having some complications with the pregnancy, so (Ghettoshiek) asks that we pray for healing for Aumber and for a safe delivery. She also asks that we pray for strength for the husband, Kieth.


(Pinestripe37) asks that we pray for her elderly cat, Kisa. She asks that we pray for Kisa to have strength and to live as long as God intends for her to live.  She asks that we pray for her other cat, Tracy, who has been really sick lately. As well as she asks that we pray for her spiritual strength and peace. She is currently working on a project with a friend, and they are trying to use the project to glorify God through and she asks that we pray for spiritual guidance and may God lead them through this project.


(PlattenumSwiftie9685) asks that we pray for her to recover from depression. 

That is all the prayer requests for this week. If you have any prayer requests you would like to be in the next prayer request chapter, then comment them down below, and we'll add them:)

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