Eyes of Love - Characters

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Name: Abby Levine

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Name: Abby Levine

Age: 17

Birthday: June 6, 2005

Hair: Shoulder length, brown

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 5'4

Character Description: Abby is smart, humorous and caring 17 year old. Abby is a bisexual female, and an only child after her brother passed away when she was 10. Her parents are divorced. Abby is quiet most of the time but once you get to know her, she never shuts up. She is overprotective of her loved ones, and often times she blames everything on herself. Her best friend is Lily Valentino.

Name: Lily Valentino

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Name: Lily Valentino

Age: 17

Birthday: March 18, 2005

Hair: Long, Dirty brown, dyed blonde

Eye Colour: Amber

Height: 5'5

Character Description: Lily is a sarcastic, over dramatic, drama queen. Lily is female and she finds that her parents don't actually love each other, but instead are married for business. Lily's father is a very wealthy man, who lives in Italy for his job, so Lily lives with her mother. Lily is Italian so she has a faint accent, and tends to swear in Italian as well. Lily is quite popular at school, for her looks and her money. The guys she's dated have just used her, so she has trust issues when it comes to relationships. Her best friend is Abby Levine.

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