Chapter Sixteen: "We're Simply Meant To Be"

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"They'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room, with no thoughts; like a blood-sniffing shark, and while my dreams made music in the night"

- Last Words of a Shooting Star by Mitski

I wake up to screaming coming from the living room.

"Huh? Mom what is going on," I yawned, rubbing my eyes. I looked at the TV to see that she's watching a horror movie. I honestly had forgotten Halloween was in four days. I had already gotten my costume, I was going as Emily from Corpse Bride. I bought a white wedding dress from Goodwill and painted some of it blue, I bought a vail and glued fake white and blue flowers to it, and I got a long blue wig as well that looks like her hair. My mom smiled.

"Oh good morning Abby I didn't mean to wake you. Do you want a coffee?" She asked.

"Okay," I responded, sluggishly sitting down on the couch in the living room as my mom brewed a cup of coffee for me.

I decided to walk to school that morning, and thankful I wasn't late, though I slept through my alarm. This one time I'm glad my mom woke me up. Though waking to screaming isn't amazing. When I arrived at school, I hadn't seen Lily, Itsuki or James yet since the hallway was busy. I had Poetry class first period, thankfully my locker is somewhat near the class. I tugged on my white sleeves, the weather had gotten cold enough that the shirts had to have long sleeves. When I arrived in the classroom, Ms. Maleri greeted me. I sat in my usual spot beside Itsuki, who had his face resting on his arms and his eyes shut with a book laid open in front of him.

"Itsuki class is starting any minute now," I whispered, nudging him a little. He yawned and turned to me.

"You ass why did you wake me up?" He demanded in a grumpy tone, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the bright lights in the classroom.

"Because class is about to start idiot," I chuckled, causing him to smile. Me and him had become closer after our night at Lily's. He huffed then ran a hand through his hair.

"Hey are you going to James' party tonight?" Itsuki asked suddenly.

"He's throwing a party?" I asked.

"Well Lily is, for his birthday. Is like a Halloween/James' birthday party." He tells me.

"It's his birthday? How come no one told me?" I would have gotten him a gift if I had known sooner. Itsuki shrugs. I sighed. "Yeah I'll come. Are people going to be wearing costumes?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Who are you going as?" He leaned closer to me.

"Oh I'm going as Emily from Corpse Bride!" I smiled.

"Nice. Corpse Bride is a good movie." He nodded before class started.

James popped out of nowhere as me and Itsuki left the Poetry classroom.

"Hey guys," He smiled.

"Hey Birthday boy," I nudged him a little. James' smile grew slightly. "How are you?" I asked him,

"I'm doing great!" He said brightly.

"That's good." I smiled at him.

"Happy Birthday James." Itsuki patted his head, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Whatever," He chuckled before ruffling Itsuki's hair, causing him to laugh. I giggled.

I was at home, putting on my dress and getting ready. I put on faint blue face paint, and black eye shadow around my eyes and on my eyelids. My mom helped me glue on fake eyelashes. I pulled my blue wig on, then my vail over it. I smiled, because I loved the dress, it was beautiful.

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