Chapter One: Where The Crows Flock

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"Maybe it's time to shut away, cause I've never really felt okay"

- Tired by beabadoobee

"What are you doing?" I questioned my mom, who was putting my belongings into a cardboard box. She sighed dramatically, placing the box on my wooden shelf. I crossed my arms casually, leaning against the doorway of my room. It had been a long day at work, and all I wanted was to relax and read a book. The glaring summer sun shone through the small space in between the curtains, brightening the dim room.

"We're moving," She told me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. She can't be serious, can she?

"Why? What's wrong with our house?" I questioned her. "Why didn't you tell me until now?"

"Well, if I told you while I was deciding whether we should move and where, you wouldn't have been ok with it." She answers. I sighed.

"Well you're right, I am not ok with it. I have a life you know, I have friends here. I would never leave Ivy for the world." I told her, thinking she would sympathize with me. My mom tossed her dyed blonde hair, (which was now kind of brown at the top) and grabbed the cardboard box placed on my shelf next to the book I was planning to read today.

"Well, you shouldn't even be dating someone at this age Abby. You're too young." She replied bitterly, as she gave me one of those mom looks through her glasses and continued to put my things into the cardboard box.

"I'm 17." I stated.

"Exactly, you're still in high school. You don't need to have a girlfriend yet." She snapped back at me, and disorderly tossed my book into the box. I wanted to yell so many things at her, but I didn't, for I was too exhausted to argue right now. I Sorrowfully glanced out the window of my small room and sighed; I watched the cars pass by and gazed at the crows flying over the view. I wish I was a bird... I could soar wherever my heart desired, and I would live a life of happiness and freedom. I exhaled and looked back at my mom, who was now closing the box of my belongings and was about to tape it shut. My mom seems to be always finding ways to make me hate her so much... I do love her dearly, but she really gets on my nerves.

"I hate you," I muttered under my breath.

After my mom tapped the box, finally leaving my room, I sighed and flopped down onto my bed. I sighed as I remembered that I couldn't read my book since my mom had put it away, so instead I sat up and pulled my phone out of my pocket. August 14, 4:36 pm it flashes on the lock screen. I grabbed my earbuds from under my bed and stuck them in my ears. I started playing my "I hate life" playlist. I fell onto my bed. I tried to relax and pretend that my life was ok. I tried to pretend that the fake personality that I had created to please those around me wasn't about to be destroyed. I tried not to remember that Ivy doesn't love me, but instead loves the girl I made to cover up the tormenting feeling inside me. Sometimes I hate her for falling in love with the lies.

Later that day, my mom forced me to throw out the things I didn't need. Honestly this sucked. Me and my mom had been living in this small house ever since I was born. My dad left after Charlie died 7 years ago; Now he has his own family. I haven't visited since he had his daughter last year. Unlike my mother, I'm glad he left. He took his stress and anger out on her and me. He never actually hurt me or my mom but he threatened to, though that was just as scary. I remember them yelling and screaming at each other late at night; thinking I was asleep. I miss the days when they loved each other, the days when we were a happy family. But everything comes to an end, I guess.

2 days after we had finished packing, my mom told me I could go visit with my friends (and girlfriend) to say my goodbyes. My mom still hadn't told me where we were moving. Of course, I drove to Ivy's house, since I really didn't have any friends. Me and her met in our freshman year of high school. There was rumors going around about Ivy being lesbian.

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