Chapter Ten: A Love Song For The Oblivious

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"This is a love song for a girl who will never know it's about her, I know it's pretty stupid, but I'm much too shy to tell her."

- Looking Out For You By Joy Again

We were both sitting on the couch laughing. We were watching my favorite show, Victorious, and yes I know it's for little kids, I still love it anyway. "This actually isn't that bad," Itsuki laughed. We were watching episode 11, season 1, "The Great Ping-Pong Scam" . I smiled at him. When we walked back up the stairs to my apartment, he kept telling me jokes or silly stories that happened to him as a kid, he said that it was best for me to just distract myself. I laughed, forgetting about what had happened with Carl only 30 minutes earlier.

"Told you so," I grin, causing him to shove me off the couch. I bursted out laughing, sitting back up as he sits with his arms crossed, glaring at me. I gently poke his cheek. "You're so over dramatic," I tease. He shoo's my hand away.

"I am not!" He argues, turning away from me.

"Fine, you're sensitive then. Emotional," I smirk. He scoffs.

"At least I know when to shut up, you never stop talking." Itsuki gives me a look.

"Well excuse me, I did say I talk a lot, but that does not mean I don't know when to shut up. I know when to stop talking perfectly well! I don't even know what you're talking about, like, just because you're all quiet and lonely and have no friends doesn't mean that I talk that much. I talk a pretty average amount, most people talk as much as I do. Like James, he rambles on and on, he's the one who can't shut up! Not me! I swear I don't even talk that-" I stopped as Itsuki raised his eyebrow at me. "Never mind," I crossed my arms, Itsuki chuckled.

We suddenly heard a knock on the door. I froze. Was it Carl? Maybe it was, I didn't know. Itsuki looked over to me.

"I can answer it," He told me, standing up and walking over to the door. I heard the door creak open. "Hello?" Itsuki said, as I looked over to the door from the couch.

"Who the hell are you?!" My mom demands, standing outside the door, holding grocery bags. I quickly dash over to her.

"Mom!" I smile. She smiles at me.

"Hi, sweety." She replies, but then looks back to Itsuki, glaring. "Abby, sweetheart, who is this?" She asks me, looking back at me again.

"Ah, this is my friend, Itsuki. We were supposed to be working on a History assignment but we've been just watching shows the whole time." I told her. She looks back to Itsuki, and he smiles shyly.

"Good evening ma'am." He said to her,

"Evening..." My mother replies skeptically, before walking into the apartment and to the kitchen, placing the bags on the counter.

"Where's Carl?" My mom asks, looking over to me.

"He um, he tried- I mean, he like left because of this like thing, and um-" I mumble, trying to make an excuse, looking to the ground and fidget with my thumbs.

"He assaulted your daughter, miss." Itsuki cut me off.

"Itsuki!" I said in shock, looking at him.

"What?! Abby, is this true?" My mom asked, looking at me in concern. I look to the ground and stare at my feet, and silently nod my head. My mom gives me the most shocked, confused and concerned stare I have ever seen. "What the fuck is wrong with him?! Laying hands on my daughter?! I don't think so. Now, where is this fucking bastard?! I swear I'm gonna murder him." My mom hissed.

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