Chapter Eighteen: May I? May you?

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"And I sit on the curb 'cause it's the prettiest night, with no one else in sight. You know I wore this dress for you, these killer heels for you. See the dark, it moves with every breath of the breeze."

-Drunk Walk Home by Mitski

It's the day of the dance. And I'm kind of nervous. I've been tapping my foot up and down the whole day, fidgeting with my pencil, twirling it around my finger. I don't know why I'm so nervous. Actually, no, that's a lie. I know exactly why I'm as nervous as I am. It's because I'm going to prom with Myles, a boy I have no romantic feelings for, and who is gay, when a really cute boy-

I mean, a really nice boy asked me to prom when I was already going with Myles.

The really nice boy is Itsuki, if you had forgotten.

And he doesn't know I'm going with Myles.

And he doesn't know I heard him ask me.

And I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do.

Me and Lily already got dresses for prom. Lily told me the theme was "Fairytale" and that the gym was decorated like an enchanted forest. So of course, we got dresses to match the theme. Lily's dress was strapless, since that's how she wanted it, because she said that her boobs would look super good in it (she was right about that). It was a peachy pink, sewn in flowers plastered across the chest, green, blue, purple, pink and white ones. The bottom of the dress was a bit puffy, slightly above the knees. Lots of sewn flowers at the end of it, some more a bit higher, along the soft fabric, with a slick mesh over it, and a ribbon tied around the waist. My dress looked a lot fancier. A bit too fancy. And it was more expensive. I didn't want to get it, considering the price, but Lily said that I was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen in that dress so she bought it anyway. The dress was white as the first snow of winter. The fabric was soft as silk. It was a bit more below the knees unlike Lily's. There were four layers of the dress, making it look very full and puffy. The top layer was lace, with little white flowers along the ends with a pretty design that was only noticeable if you looked closely. The dress came with cute gloves that fit perfectly around my wrist, they had a little bow on it. There were two lace bows on the waist that had a pink rose on it, the sleeves were low but it was held up by two spaghetti straps. Lily let me borrow her fake pearl necklace that looked beautiful with it.



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It's 4:34 pm right now. I am sitting on my bed trying not to have a panic attack. Itsuki hadn't talked to me all day. Just slight glances in my direction. He's been avoiding me. And James has been acting weird. I asked him why Itsuki has been ignoring me and he just chuckled nervously, said bye and left. It makes sense since the two of them are best friends. The dance starts in two hours and a half, and Myles should be here in two hours. I sat up out of my bed and decided to have a shower and start getting ready, because I really need a distraction from my overwhelming thoughts.

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