Chapter Fourteen: Feeling Free

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"When I see the way you look, shaken by how long it took I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you."

-Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar (from Steven Universe)  cover by Lyn Lapid

I walked through the hall of the main floor, turning left to the elevator, pressing the button to go up. The door opened and I stepped inside. I pressed the button with the 3 on it, it lit up and the door closed. The elevator dinged as I went up the two floors, finally stopping on the third floor, the doors slowly sliding open. I walked through the hallway until I found my home, 221.

"Mum, I'm home!" I said, opening the door. The tv was on and there was a bag of open chips placed on the counter.

"Hey hon," My mother replied from the couch, resting her arms and head on the back of it, facing me, as I stood at the door.

"Whatcha watching?" I asked, untying my shoes, and walking to the open bag of lays chips, grabbing a handful, eating a chip one by one.

"The Office," She smiled as I walked closer to the living room, still eating my chips.

"Nice," I nodded, sitting beside her on the comfortable brown couch. I leaned my back against the backside of the couch, putting my feet up on the wooden coffee table. "What season?" I asked her.

"Season four," She smiled.

"Mom, how many times have you watched The Office?" I turned to her, raising an eyebrow as I gave her a soft grin.

"Too many times to count," She sighed.

"Not surprised," I grinned even wider, turning to the tv.

After watching a few episodes, and eating her bowl of chips, I turned to her.

"Mom?" I asked her.

"Yeah?" She replied, turning to me.

"Did you forget? Or are you going to keep pretending like it didn't happen?" I took a long breath, taking my feet off the coffee table and placing my hands on my knees. She took a strand of her hair, tucking it behind her ear. She looked to the floor, the hair she tucked away fell and was now in her face. I waited for her response. She was bent forward, and she was resting her arms on her legs. She looked up at me, and with a despairing look on her face, she straightened her posture, and pushed up her glasses with her finger.

"Of course I remember Abby." She said through a sigh. "But I don't want to remember. And I would rather just not think or talk about it." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear again. I nodded.

"Okay," I murmured, before getting up from my spot and going into the bathroom.

I sat down on the toilet miserably. She may have said it was because she doesn't want to remember my brother's death, but I think she just doesn't care.

I left the bathroom a few minutes later, I saw that my mother was standing by the door, and she had her boots and black rain jacket on.

"What are you doing?" I questioned her, being quite confused.

"Come on. Get your stuff on." She replied, crossing her arms. I was confused, and I wasn't at all sure what we were doing, but I went along with it anyway, and put on my sage green rain coat and my doc martens. She grabbed the black umbrella that was hung up on the hook. "Lets go," She said as she opened the door.

We were standing outside the building, it was dark out already, and pouring rain. I held the umbrella out for the two of us as she called an uber on her phone.

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