Chapter Five: An Unexpected Turn of Events

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"The wasted words you tried to breathe were poetry. Living in a memory, walking through a daydream"

-Promises by Beach Bunny

"Ugh!" I groaned as I stared at myself in the mirror. Every piece of clothing that was on my body was itchy. A white, button up shirt with a collar, a tie that hung down it, a super tight dark brown sleeveless sweater that laid over it, a plaid skirt that went down to my knees, a long uncomfortable gray pair of socks and my actually comfortable black doc martens. My hair was tied in a ponytail, but my curtain bangs still hung down onto my face. That morning I hadn't been woken up by my alarm clock, but instead, by my mom pushing and shoving me to wake up like a little child. I groaned at her and brought the covers over my head. My immature mother, waddle over to the light switch, and began flickering it on and off and on and off, yelling,

"First day of school! First day of school! Time to wake up Abby!"

I hissed at her from under the blankets and tried to fall back asleep. "Nope!" My mom scoffed as she flipped the blankets off of me and onto the floor.

"It's five forty in the morning!" I screeched as the warmth of my blanket was suddenly gone.

"And it's the first day of school! Now go get dressed and have a shower, your uniform is by the sink!" She smiled at me as I solemnly got out of bed. After having a shower, I had breakfast, and now I'm staring at my ugly ass uniform debating if I should just burn it completely.

I walked out of the apartment with my brown and black backpack hung over my back, hurting my spin by how full it was with every step I took. I walked to the path and called for a taxi. We drove left from the apartment to the preparatory school. Stopping outside the school, I got out of the car and was suddenly amazed by how magnificent the building was.

It was grande, with two tall pillars and a large clock that was placed in the middle. There was a line of smaller buildings attached to either sides of it, each of them having at least 4 windows. The building was made of bricks and the path was made of stone, students filled the gates that stood open at the entrance, books in hand, all scrambling to get through, and a few groups of people walked along the stone paths, laughing and giggling. The air smelt of old history books that sit on your shelf untouched, and it felt as if I had just entered a different world. It felt nice, walking through the gates, and strolling up the path to the front of the school, as my hair and skirt glided through the crisp morning breeze.

As I arrived outside the building, one of the boys was flirting with a girl, leaning against a lamp post that stood beside the door. Lamp post. A sudden flash and I'm in the backseat of Charlie's car, him swerving the car off the road, slamming on the breaks, me screaming, covering my eyes as he crashed into the lamp post. Charlie gets hit in the forehead, blood streams down his face as he lays there unconscious. I cry and scream for someone to help as loud as I can, but no one seems to hear me. I push and kick and scream as I try to open the door and get out. Finally escaping, I gasp for air and collapse onto the side of the road, tears streaming down my cheeks, trying to breathe as a car finally passes by. I jump onto the road in front of the car, and wave my arms quickly in the air. The woman in the driver's seat jumps out of her car, asks me what is going on and I try to breathe and say something but I can't. I just gasp for air and stand there on the road crying, pointing at Charlie's crashed car smashed into the lamp post. She quickly ran over to Charlie and dialed 9-1-1 immediately. I stood there frozen as I stared at my brother's unconscious body sitting there in the car; I just stood there and watched instead of doing anything to help. Everything goes blurry as I hear loud sirens ring in my ears and bright red and blue lights shine in my face. Something suddenly bumps into me.

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