A Rainy Beginning

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Rewrote this story! Sorry if this isn't the best starter BUT IT SHALL GET BETTER!!!

The sky is almost dark as you wait next to a bus stop as rain pounds against your (favorite color) umbrella and some on your (favorite color) rain coat. It has been storming all day now non-stop and it's honestly getting annoying. Can't do anything but lay around in the house and be lazy,which there's nothing wrong with but still.
Good sleeping weather though.

You were waiting for the bus to take you too your new night job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza,a magical place for kids and grown-ups alike,where fantasy and fun come to life! They said on the phone that the job was easy and all you had to do is watch a bunch of animatronics. EEEEEAASSSYYY.

All I get is 120 dollars a week. Better then nothing I guess,you think to yourself as you look up and down the road for the bus but huff angrily when you don't see it and continue waiting.

This was actually your first night,and you had to get there earlier then you're supposed to so you can get your uniform. Boss,as he said you can call him,said that you may get to have a partner for the job but he didn't say who it was. Hopefully he or she won't be a jerk or complete a-hole.

After a while of waiting in the rain the bus finally pulls up. When the doors open,you instantly hurry in and close your umbrella,shaking yourself and it off also.

"Good afternoon,(Y/N). This is wonderful weather,isn't it."says the bus driver who knows you very well since you take the bus a lot because you don't have a vehicle to drive YET.
"Hi Jo-John..."You mumble,hooking your umbrella on your arm and looking around the nearly empty bus. There were maybe about five people in it,all either with headphones or on their phones.

"Where to?"John asks,closing the door behind you.
"To Freddy Fazbear's Pizza please."You say as you start walking to the back and take a seat,scooting to the window. The bus starts moving and you stare out the window as things go by,listening to the rain pounding on the bus.

~~~Time-Skip brought by Balloon Boy's Balloons!~~~

It's 11:43 when you arrive at the pizzeria,the rain seeming to pour harder as John lets you off the bus and you walk to the building.

There where only two vehicles parked in the parking lot; a large silver truck and a blue car. One must belong to Boss and the other to your soon-to-be partner. You silently walk up to the front door,slowly pushing it open slightly. You put your foot against the door to prop it open and close your umbrella,shaking it off some and then hurrying in.

The first thing that hits you is coldness and the smell of pizza. It was completely dark inside except for a light that came from a hall. You look around and gulp some as you slowly walk to the light.

You pass by the three main animatronics on the stage that you knew from coming here as a child. They were; Bonnie Bunny,Chica Chicken,and the star,Freddy Fazbear.You stop in front of them and look at them,starting to smile but stop. The darkness and faint light shining in them made them look a like more...

You guys,and gal,are creepier then I remember,you think as you shiver some from the coldness of the building. You turn and start walking again to the office,which is most likely where the light is coming from,and the whole time it feels like eyes are burning holes into your back.

So you walk as fast a you can to get to the office,where the safety of the light is.

A Fangirl's Dream: Mike X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now