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You sit in the living room with your cup of (favorite drink) watching Mike sleep on the coach. He as rolled over to his back,his hat STILL ON somehow and blanket half way on the floor.
Now,some would call it creepy or weird that you're watching the guy you (now) have a crush on sleep....

Whatevs. No one looking or shall ever know.

You actually woke up pretty early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep,which sucks because slEEPING IN WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE. But I just being a creep and watching people sleep is good too.
You were wanting to pull a prank or something funny like that on him,but that would be mean and you didn't want to wake the sleeping Mikey up. (And plus you didn't want to be beaten the shit outta like Foxy.)

Mike doesn't move and sleeps peacefully,you smiling at him and getting up. Suppose you could do something else,possibly something productive; like clean the house! Or go buy groceries! (Which you haven't gotten your paycheck yet though which SUCKS) Or go read a book!

But as soon as you put your cup in the sink,you go right back to the living room to watch sleeping Mike.
Heh heh...

Oh and just to tell ya,it hasn't been raining either.


So it's almost the middle of the night,right? Mike has gotten up from the couch barely for the whole rest of the day,only to use the bathroom or eat your food (grr) and then it's right to the couch to sleep. Hardly talks to you at all. Jerk.

Anyway,you're laying awake in the bed since you were used to waking up at this time now. You were just laying there,bored and staring up at the dark ceiling...until you hear movement in the living room area. Your eyes instantly shoot to the door,even though it's most-likely just Mike getting up to eat more food probably.

You were about to go back to looking at the ceiling (very interesting ceiling by the way) before you hear the front door shut. That when you instantly shoot up in bed. Mike said that he was going to stay one more night here,so why is is leaving in the middle of the night?
You get up and hurry to your window just in time to see Mike run past and down the road,right the way you came last night from the Pizzeria. And he looked like he was in a rush.

Out of curiosity and nosiness,and the fact that you weren't supposed to work tonight,you decide to get dress and follow him.


You step into the cold and creepy building,looking around cautiously. To be honest,it seemed colder and creepier tonight then any other night you've been here.
Mike ran right into the building and the current time being 11:55 pm. Why was he here if the work days were only Monday-Friday? He didn't tell you that there were extra days to work. Dam,then you could get extra pay!

You look around before speeding walking quietly to the office,that being the only light in the whole building. When you pass the animatronics,their eyes didn't follow you like they usually did. Which was pretty dang strange since they always watched you. But not tonight,they are just...still.

When you walk into the office,Mike was sitting in the chair with his back to you. He was clearly checking the cameras already,even though it wasn't 12 yet.
"M-Mike?"you asks quietly and your voice makes him jump in his seat and spin towards you.
"(Y/N)?!?!"he almost yells in a voice that sounds like surprise and panic mixed.
"Um...h-hi..?"You ask,shuffling on your feet as he shoots up,looking around nervously.
"What are you doing here?! Your work days are Monday-Friday!! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!"Mike suddenly yells at you,making you wince. Maybe this wasn't the greatest idea ever...

"I-I saw you leave the h-house and followed..."you say quietly,rubbing your arm and looking away from him.
You shrug.
"(Y/N) YOU CA-"

As soon as he begins to talk,a little bell that you've never heard before goes off. Was that a 12 bell or something?
It must have been because Mike starts panicking,scrambling to the chair and to the tablet,which was a weird sight because Mike has never panicked like that.

"Why-Why are you acting like that..?"you ask him,inching over to him because his panicking made you uneasy.
"Just stay close,alright?"Mike then says softly,but scanning the screens with fear in his eyes.
And you do stay close to him,watching him do everything by himself.

Something must be about to happen to have him so nervous,freaked out,and scared. Especially him being the Mike,a guy who just beat the crap outta a robot killer fox for waking him up from his nap.

A Fangirl's Dream: Mike X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now