Your Hopes Were Wrong

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You poke your head into the office first,looking around it. It was a pretty small place,a desk with a fan on it and trash,two chairs, and little kid drawings all over the walls. There were two doors; the one you were at and then one on the other side,both having buttons next to them. You were expecting there to be at least someone in there,because of the vehicles outside,but the room was empty.

"H-Hello?"you asks quietly but loud enough as you step into the room some,looking around some more.
"Helllooooo?"you say a little louder,but then something catches your eye and you slowly look down a one of the chairs in there. On the tablet that was in it and all over the chair....there was red stuff that looked a lot like-

"Oh my God..."You say while covering your mouth and starting to step back as you stair at the red with terrified,wide eyes and you can feel your body starting to shake and tremble.

You were almost out the door when you feel something grab you and yell "BOO!" and you let out the most girly scream you have ever produce. You push away from want ever it is and stumbling forward,but then tripping in panic and falling down. You flip around with fear filling your chest to meet your 'attacker.' But instead of a roar or screech,you hear a loud laugh.
In the doorway stood a man in a baby blue shirt and black pants and shoes,a black cap on that had 'Nightwatch' written across it and you can tell from here that he has stricking,beautiful blue eyes.On his breast of his shirt we had a name tag that read 'Mike.'

"HOLY F*CK YOUR FACE AND THAT SCREAM!!!"the man yells,roaring with laughter again and lean against the frame of the door while holding his stomach. You blink,staring at him before blushing deeply in embarrassment when you realize what just happened.Then you feel something squashy under your hand and you lift it up,seeing the red stuff covering your palm. Covering your mouth,you feel like you are going to be sick.

"MIKE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"yells a voice from down the hall and the man instantly freezes,his eyes going large. Then another man comes in and stands beside him,a suit on,dark skin,fandora on and cigar in mouth. His face was twisted with anger,holding some clothes in his arms.

"Do not let me catch you trying to scare off another one again,got it Mike?"the man with the cigar grown at the other one.
"I was just having fun,Boss! Trying I get'er ready,ya know?"Mike replies,nudging his elbow to Boss's side with a grin like they had a little funny secret but Boss was clearly not amused.

"I'm sorry about that,(Y/N)."Boss says,turning to you and clearing his the ought as Mike grabs your arm and pulls you up.
"Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! Happy to have ya here! I'm Boss,the one you talked to on he phone? And you have clearly already met Mike."Boss says,nodding to him and Mike just gives you a grin.
"Y-Yeah..."you mumble,waving to him as you feel your heart settled down some.

"Welp,sorry but I have no time to chat. I told you everything over the phone and here is your uniform. You can get changed in the bathrooms."Boss says,handing you the clothes in his arms and you mumble a 'Thank you.'

"So,"Boss starts as he checks his watch,"You have 10 minutes 'til twelve. I would suggest you hurry and be back by then. Have fun you two! And don't be an as*hole,Mike."

Boss shoots a glare glare at Mike before turning quickly and hurrying out.
"Um..."you say nervously,looking down at the floor and then to the red stuff.
"I-Is that...blood...?"you ask quietly,pointing to it slightly.
"What? Nah,that's ketchup from my late dinner I guess you can say. When I tried to put it on my burger,the ketchup packet exploded. That's way u wasn't in here,had to change me shirt."Mike explains,pulling his shirt and letting it go. Then he walks past you and grabbing some dirty napkins and starts cleaning up the ketchup.

"Oh thank God. I though someone died."You say with a breath of relief,your body relaxing some.
"You may wanna go get dressed before it turns twelve. Work starts right at twelve."Mike says and you nod quickly,knowing where the bathroom is already,and walking out quickly to get changed.

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