Finally Meeting Dolly~!

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(YEEEAAAHHH....there is probably gonna be quite a bit of timeskipping in this story ^-^' )
Also! I'm going to try out the Third Person Limited so tell me what ya think!

(Y/N) waits by the entrance of the Pizzeria,the time being 11:50. She has gotten here early tonight,early then Mike,who most likely had another 'Doll Problem" to deal with so that's why he's late.

And once again,it was still raining. It's rained so much that it's a miracle the city hasn't flooded yet. But nope,just rain and rain and streams going to the sewer next to sidewalks.
After a while of waiting,the time turning to 11:54 and making (y/n) more nervous,she sees Mike's truck pull up. But even through the rain and darkness,(y/n) can see a person in the passenger,a female actually.

(Y/N) can just make out a few details; long blonde hair in a ponytail,glasses, and her being pretty beautiful.
Mike scrambles around to get all his things and the woman,who (y/n) supposes its Doll,just watches him and smiles. Then her eyes drift up to (y/n) and a frown quickly replaces it. Doll says a few things to,that he just nods to,and he then gets out.
"Bye love you!"
"Love you too~!" They call out to each other as Doll crawls over the drivers seat and drives off. Mike hurries through the rain,letting out a deep breath and getting the keys.

"Two nights in'a row that you were late like this. Was that Doll?"(y/n) says to him as he pushes open the door and she follows him inside to the office.
"Yeah. She instead on driving with me. She's supposed to come pick me back up."Mike says to you as he sits down in his chair,tossing his stuff on the table and rubbing his face with both hands.
"Doll problems?"
"Nah,just tired."Mike says to her as she sits too,grabbing the tablet. Mike was going to give (y/n) one more chance with this,which now she knows she won't get it wrong. She got dis.

"Ok,are you sure you can do this?"Mike asks and (y/n) nods quickly.
"Yeah,I won't mess up like last time."
And with that,Mike gets up and walks to the door as it gets closer to 12. (Y/N) starts down at the tablet but doesn't start checking cameras yet,since it's not exactly time to. But it would probably be a good time to ask that question...

"He-Hey,Mike?"(Y/N) stutters some,getting nervous of how he may react to the question.
"Yeah? What?"he asks simply,still looking out the left door and clicking the light button,like he normal does when bored.
"Why didn't,or haven't,you quite this good?"

Mike seems to freeze instantly,the light going off as he stays leaning against the door. He doesn't answer for a couple minutes,
"M-Mike?"she asks,starting to get afraid that he got mad or something.
"...I haven't quite because...I don't want anyone else to go through this Hell."Mike finally answers,not looking at her though and continuing to stare at the dark hallway.
"I begged Boss not to put anyone else on the shift with me but he ignored me. He thinks it will be safer. I am used to and know how to do this so it's easier now...."Mike adds and (y/n) stares at him.
"O-Oh..."is all she knows to say as the time finally turns 12.

"Alright,let's get to work!"Mike then says in his normal tone,rubbing his hands together and finally giving (y/n) a smile. She smiles back and nods quickly,starting to check the cameras like Mike taught her to. Check around the place,mainly halls and doors,then check Pirates Cove.


This night was harder then the others,but (y/n)  and Mike got through it easily!
And now she were riding in the back of Mike's truck awkwardly with Doll driving. Mike was asleep in the passenger side,his head laying against the seat bealt.
(Y/n) and Doll haven't spoken this whole time,(y/n) just starting out the window at the now rain pounding against the truck window.

"He is so cute when he sleeps,isn't he?"Doll says softly,glancing over at Mike and smiling.
"U-Um...I-I guess?"(y/n) says,watching her words carefully so she doesn't say anything wrong to Doll. The truth is,100% yes Mike was cute when he slept.
"So,what happens at the Pizzeria that makes Mikey so tired all the time when he comes home?"Doll suddenly says,glancing at the mirror to look at (y/n).
"Um...n-nothing,really..."she lies,starting to get nervous. Mike told (y/n) not to tell anyone about what happens there. Anyone.

Luckily,they get to (y/n)'s house and she gets out quickly with her umbrella opened.
"Tell M-Mike I said b-bye!"(y/n) says but Doll doesn't reply,instantly pulling away and driving off quickly. (Y/N) blinks and frowns,but then walks into her house and instantly goes to her bedroom to sleep.

(So,what you think of this POV? You like? Please tell! ^-^
The only flaw I can see is if you classify yourself as neither girl nor boy :/ if so,then please take out She and Her and put them! )

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