The Fox Pirate

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You almost fall dozens of times trying to get to the different sides of the room,trying to close the doors fast enough before they get in. And as soon as they leave,it's almost instantly they come back. And every time you look at the camera at that fox thing,which you don't believe you have ever seen before working or coming here as a kid,it's coming out more and more,staring at the camera the whole time. Now you can see its torn up body,it's endoskeleton showing and it's mouth always open like its jaw is broken.

And through all this,you try to keep from waking Mike up who somehow HASN'T. He stirs a few times when you one or shut the doors,or when the animatronics make a noise at the door. You are so determined to keep him asleep so you can show that you can do this all by yourself,that you have even told the animatronics to 'SH' when you close the doors and look out the window at them.

And it seems to surprisingly work because each time they come,their noise seem to get a little quieter. They probably know that Mike would probably beat the shit outta them if they woke him up. Or maybe they aren't that evil to wake up a person from a good nap. Now they will stuff you anytime they get,but waking up a person is just over the line.

But the fox thing apparently doesn't care.

When you look at the camera again at Pirates's gone. You starts panicking and flip through the cameras and finally find it sPRINTING DOWN THE HALL WITH HIS HAND AND HOOK UP AND MOUTH DANGLING OPEN.


You scramble to the door since you are at the other side of the room and was about to shut it,but it's too late.

A hook slams right next to your hand as you're reaching for the Door button,making you scream and jerk back. It goes right on the Light button and it comes on,giving you a clear view on the fox.

It's torn up and broken,it's metal legs showing and basically almost all it's endoskeleton. It had a eye patch and stares down at up with its yellow eyes,it's mouth hanging open.
And right when you take it all in,he lets out a horrible scree.

You scream some and fall to your knees,covering your ears to try to block out the scree but it barely works. You feel like your ears are about to bleed and your heartbeat picks up so you feel like you are about to have a heart attack.
He doesn't attack you though,just screes,which is enough. You open your eyes some and look at it,starting to tear up from the pain. He stares down at you,his face unmoving but in his eyes show almost...worry and sadness.

All the sudden,something hits him on the head which makes him stop screeing and stumble back. The light stays on since his hook clearly broke it,so you can see MIKE past you and running out with a crowbar in hand. Mike starts beating the (poor) fox with the crowbar,making him scree out in pain now and scramble up,trying to get away from Mike. (Which is pretty surprising since he can easily just kill Mike with one bite to the face if he wanted to.)

"GET. BACK. TO THE. COVE. YOU STUPID. FOX!!!!"Mike starts yells between hits in rage as he chases the fox halfway down the all,running it back to its Cove while it literally lets out dog whines.
You lean out the door some to watch and see Bonnie,frozen in the middle of a footstep down the hall as he watches the fox run back to the Cove.

Mike breaths heavily and looks at the rabbit.
"YOU TOO! BACK TO THE STAGE!!!"Mike yells at him,Bonnie actually somehow having a 'oh sh*t' face as Mike throws the crow bar at him,making him flee back to the stage.
He  just somehow became like 10x hotter.

Mike yells some to let some anger out and storms back down to the office,stopping at you and looking down as you look up at him.

"Are you alright? Why don't you wake me up?"Mike asks,clearly still angry,probably more at them waking him up then you,and helps you up gently.
"S-Sorry...I w-was t-trying t-to d-do it by-by myself..."you mumble some,rubbing your arm and looking away from him. You were stuttering from fear and embarrassment,shaking some too.
Mental Note: NEVER wake Mike up from a nap.

His face softens as he since some as the 6 bell finally goes off.
"(Y/N),something could have happened. Foxy could have got you and it would have basically been my fault."Mike says softly,then he puts his hand to the side of your face and that makes you blush a lot.
"S-Sorry..."You mumble again and Mike sighs,letting you go and getting his jacket that he brought.

"Let's go. And I'm not going to sleep again,EVER,while working."Mike says,walking out. You get your own jacket and umbrella,since it was once against raining when you got here,and hurry after Mike.

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