Sleep Over! :D

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"Mike,that was a-awesome!"You say happily as you walk out of the building with Mike,who was rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah...whatever. I only did that because I don't like people waking me up..."Mike mumbles,putting his hand in his pocket.
"It's not just 'whatever',you just beat the crap outta Foxy and scared off Bonnie,two killing machines!-..Hey where's your truck?"you ask when you look around and don't see Mike's truck anywhere.

"I let Dolly use it.She's going to visit some family somewhere far off,can't remember the name,so we ain't gonna have a ride for a while."Mike says,clearly sounded annoyed but just shrugs.
"But I'll walk you home."
"'s ok..y-you don't HAVE to-"
"No,ILL WALK YOU HOME. Let's get going before it starts raining again like it always does."Mike says,smiling tiredly at you,which makes you blush some as you nod quickly.

So you start walking with Mike,kinda walking close to him. You've never liked walking at night,to be honest. Bad things happen. But hey,you got the bada*s,tired Mikey with ya!

But you were still nervous;half because of the darkness and half because you are going to be walking with Mike..alone..just the two of you..for a while..
Mike apparently say that you were nervous and raises a brow before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"Ay,c'mon,relax some. I know I'm a one dead sexy motherf*cker who you clearly want to French and shit,and we are walking to your house ALONE..."Mike says,grinning with both of his brows raised as you feel your face get red as red can be and you tense up.

He REALLY isn't helping if he is trying to.

"...but that isn't a reason to be nervous!"Mike finishes as shakes you some. All you can do is nod slightly and look at the ground.
"...hey,I'm just kidding. Don't get all shy and embarrassed! I'm tensing."Mike says,then you feel him pinch your side which makes you yelp and jump and he laughs.

FINALLY AND THANKFULLY you get to the house. You felt like you were about to pass out from the embarrassment,but you made it!
"Thanksforwalkingbehomebye!"you say quickly and hurrying up the steps. But then the sound of Mike following can be heard. You look back and see him grinning at you.
"Wwwwhhat are you dooing?"you ask as Mike leans against the rail.
"Wellll,it's quite a long walk back I my house and I'm gonna be quite lonely when I get there...soooo.."Mike says and then gives a smirk,a famous Mike Schmidt smirk,and your face gets red once again.

"Y-Yeah...I guess y-you can stay..."you stutter and he lets out a fist pump while mouthing 'YES!' You giggle and open the door,walking in and Mike trailing behind you.
"Y-You can sleep o-on the couch."is the first thing you say as you take off your shoes,looking back at Mike who is looking around.

"Alright...nice place you got."Mike says with a grin to you as he takes off his shoes. You mumble a thank you and speed walk to your room to change.
You close the door quickly and press your back against the door,taking deep breaths to calm yourself. This was actually very nerve racking!

You change quickly into a shaggy shirt and sleep pants,then poke your head out and look to the living room for Mike.
He was already laid down on the couch as you smile,grabbing a spare blanket and pillow and walking to him. He was already asleep,his hands behind his head and legs spread out. You feel your cheek heat up as you get a good look at Mike for once. He was actually good looking,how you didn't see this before I don't know,and he looked pretty dam muscular...
(^Percy Jackson reference btw)
You catch yourself looking him up and down,your face hot as you do,but you can't help it!

"Are you going to stand there and stare at me the whole time,or give me the blanket and pillow?"Mike says suddenly,opening one eye and smirking at you. You yelp some and somehow your face gets redder,feeling like its about to melt off.

But you smile and roll your eyes,throwing the pillow at his face and then throwing the blanket. Mike just laughs hard,fixing the blanket and putting the pillow under his head. He still had his hat on.
"Can I have a goodnight kissy to help me sleeep~?"Mike asks,puckering his lips at you with his eyes closed. You laugh,still red faced,as you kiss your fingers and press them to his lips.
"Goodnight,Mikey."you say,Mike's eyes open now as he grins as you walk to your roo,cutting off all the lights as you go.


You close the door only so it was cracked open,then crawl into bed. You can finally sleep as long as you please and not have to worry about waking up to go to work.

And that night you dream of a Foxy Dragon attacking you,but each time it does,Mike the Knight comes in and saves you. And you get a big kiss from him each time.

(I had to -3-
Dang,I think I'm getting better at this long chapter stuff! :D )

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