Scary Movies

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Planning on making long chapters from now on <3

After getting eating and getting dressed you walk outside with Mike to drive with him back to his house. He had to at least get changed out of his uniform,even though he argues that it's fine.

"Listen,I highly doubt that anyone is going to care if I wear my uniform to the movies. We're going to be in the dark anyway!"he says as you get into the truck with him.
"You stink. You are changing. You just want to be lazy and not drive all the way to the house to change."You state and cross your arms at him after getting buckled up.

"Yep. Pretty much."he says with a grin and you roll your eyes at him but smile as you do.  Mike was so stubborn but that was a trait that made him charming.

Mike gets out when he pulls up to his house and you wait in the truck. It takes him only a few minutes to be back out with a hoodie on,blue jeans,and a beanie. Then you frown. Why is he wearing a beanie? Its not cold outside or anything...

Thats one thing you notice is that every time you see him he always has something covering up his head. Always. You'll have to ask about that later.

"Alright,to the theater!"Mike says as he gets in the truck and you give a little cheer.
"Lets get going!"


You and Mike sit in the very back of the dark movie theater. You let Mike choose the movie which the one he wanted to watch was the only scary movie playing. Even though you wanted to sit closer to the screen,Mike suggested that you both sit in the very back. Why? You don't really know. But he may have something planned.

Its about half-way into the movie and you are clinging to Mike's arm in fear. Every time a jump scare would pop up you instantly cling to Mike beside you even tighter.
"Calm down,(Y/N). Its just a movie!"
"How are YOU not scared?!"
"Because I've been through worse."

The movie finally ends in about two hours but Mike asks to wait for the credits to end. Everyone else leaves but the two of you.
"Mike I don't think-"

Your sentence is cut off by the male turning your head to him and kiss you. You freeze up in surprise at first but soon melt into the warm kiss. So that's why he wanted to stay...

You two kiss slowly yet passionately until the end of the credits,possibly longer, when someone clearing their throat makes you pull away from Mike. You look and see a worker look at the two of you with an impatient look on his face along with his arms crossed. Your face heats up but Mike on the other hand just grumbles "Yeah Yeah Yeah" and gets up while holding your hand.

When you step outside with him you except to be blinded with daylight but instead you and Mike are met with the darkness of night.
"I didn't think we were in there that long..."You say as Mike guides you to the truck.
"Well the movies WAS almost three hours. And I guess that kiss lasted longer then excepted~!"Mike laughs and your face heats up at the comment.

You and him decide to you to his house tonight and stay there instead of your's. Mike insisted on making a dinner for the both of you over there,although you don't know how safe it will be with HIM making it.

The first while of the drive is just the radio playing with you and Mike being silent. 
Then you speak up with a single question;
"What's with the hats?"

Mike furrows his eyebrows and glances over at you in confusion at the sudden questions.

"What do you mean? Is it a crime to wear hats?"
" wear them all the time,like you're trying to hide something. Are you? Do you have an embarrassing haircut? Birthmark? What-"

"I just LIKE HATS (Y/N)."Mike snaps at you suddenly which makes you be quiet instantly. You knew he had a bad temper so you probably shouldn't press on about it. Mike stares ahead at the road and reaches up and pulls his beanie down some.

"I'm sorry.."You whisper finally and you watch him let out a sigh.
"No,I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped had you like that. It's just a...really touchy subject for me.."Mike talks slowly and carefully like he is trying to control himself. Was he still getting mad at you?

"I'm still sorry."
And for the rest of the ride neither of you speak,to each other or in general.  The radio just plays it's songs.

When the truck comes to the house Mike gets out and opens up the door for you. You thank him and walk inside behind the tall male.
"So I never got to ask,how'd you like the movie?"Mike says as he takes off his shoes. You just kick your's off with zero effort.
"Not that scary."You lie as you walk to the kitchen,behind you hearing Mike busting out laughing.
"Not that scary?! I thought you were about to break my arm!"He laughs as he follows in behind you and you huff with your arms crossed,face heating up as well.

"C'mon don't make that face at me. I'm picking at ya."Mike says and pecks the top of your head gently.
"I know you are you big dork,"You giggle and push him away by the face,"Now,fix me dinner!"
"Magic word?"
"Now!"you joke with a smile on your face as you sit at the counter.
"Well if that's how it's going to be you get nothing-"
"Thats more like it."

Mike makes you and him a dinner of (your favorite dinner!) and serves it at the table for the two of you.
"It smells amazing!"You say as you look down at the food with your mouth watering from hunger.
"Thanks. Well,dig in."Mike laughs and you do exactly as he says; dig into the delicious food. Mike is actually not that bad of a cook amazingly!


After your tummies are full and you two are in some comfy clothes,you and Mike decides to cut off the lights and cuddle in the bed. He currently wore a t-shirt and shorts,his head wrapped in bandages strangely,but you don't ask. Since you do not have any clothes over here you have to borrow his; a large shirt is all you wore along with undergarments.

Mike wraps his arms around you and you snuggle up to his chest cutely. In only a couple minutes you hear snoring.

He fell asleep?! But you two were supposed to snuggle and cuddle and wuddle!

Oh well,at least he fell asleep holding you.
This was the most comforting and relaxing thing ever,to be in his arms.
You soon do the same and fall fast asleep in with Mike holding you gently in his sleep still.

A Fangirl's Dream: Mike X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now