Just a little protective....

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I'm planning on updating as much as I can Tis weekend! YAY! =D
Btw,yes I will use scenes from the other version of the story -3-

When the 6 bell goes off,after the same kind of crazy night as before,you don't even talk to Mike as you hurry and gather your things. You were still pretty upset about him snapping at you,those things have always,so you haven't talked to him this entire time. It actually wasn't only that,the entire time he was pretty rude and bossy.

Mike gets up and gets his things,then looks at you and opens his mouth like he is about to say something but you quickly walk down the hall past him.
"(Y/N),wait!"Mike calls to you as you stare at the ground and continue walking,but slowly down some as Mike's footsteps can be heard behind you.
"Hey listen,I'm sorry I was being an as*hole and all that today. I shouldn't have been..."Mike says,mumbling the last part and sighing,rubbing his face in frustration as he walks with you now.

"What's wrong?"you ask softly,cocking your head at him some. It takes him a minute to answer.
"It's just...I've just been having problems with Doll and sh*t. And plus,I just don't want you to get hurt or anything like that."he mumbles,sighing and putting one hand in his pocket,rubbing his chin with the other. That last part made you blush some.
"What? But you came in t-today with lipstick all over you f-face..."
"She does that every time we start fighting. I hate it. But I shouldn't be gripeing to you about it,it's not your problem."
"Well,that's not very g-good to be honest."

You were actually scared of saying something wrong about Doll to Mike,but he doesn't really seem to care.
"Yeah...Yeah I know..."he mumbles back as you get out the door with him. The sky was dark and the rain has seemed to lifted up,for now atleast. It was most likely going to be like yesterday and just start up again.

"Well,c-can I catch a ride with you...?"
"Sure! Of course!"he says happily all the sudden,opening the door for you and getting in the driver once your in.
"Thank you,Mikey."
"Did you just call me 'Mikey'?"
Redness starts to fill your face as Mike laughs,pulling out of the parking lot and driving to your house. But he does it slowly so you can have some time to talk with him.

~Timeskip by...cats~

"Thanks again,Mikey."You say,smiling widely but shyly as you get out and shut the door.
"No problem,(enter a cute and adorable nickname for you here)~!"Mike calls back out the window which makes your face red again WHICH makes him laugh again.
"See ya tomorrow!"Mike calls,waving to you with a goofy grin and you waving back with a smile also.

You walk in right when Mike drives off,closing the door and locking it. Yawning and walking up the stairs,you still have a smile as you walk to your bedroom and change. After getting into a some PJ's,you faceplant into your bed with relief.

And it's soon when the rain starts up again,just like last time when Mike dropped you off.

So,should I keep doing this in this POV? [I think this is called Second POV?] Or do this in Third Person Limited? [Examples;(Y/N),she,her. Focuses on (Y/N). I wrote a story [it's not published so don't go looking for it XD] in Third Person Limited and kinda liked it,but I think both ways. So,tell me if I should keep to this POV or Not please! Thanks~! ^-^ )
(Sorry this chapter isn't that long BTW :/ Forgive me~!! 0^0 )

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