Welcome Home,Dolly!

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There is two reasons why you were surprised when Doll walked through the door of Mike's house a few days later of the movies.
One; You didn't except her to be back.
Two; Mike told you that he ended with her.

You and Mike were laying on the couch off of work when she comes into the house. There was a new guy named Lessy that started working that day. Hopefully he will be fine on his own.
Your body along with Mike's tenses up and freezes.

"I'm back Mikey~!"Doll calls at first,clearly not seeing you,turned away and closing the door. She had all her bags with her and a smile on her face. When she turns around her smile instantly fades.

Its awkward silence as the two of you stare at Doll and she stares back,starting to grip the bags in her hands tightly.

"(Y/N) can you please go wait outside?"Mike says after clearing his throat and you look at him with a nod. Getting up with Doll watching you,you walk outside to the backyard out the back door. There is no way you are going past Doll right now.

You sit on the ground with a thud and let loose a long sigh. What was going to happen?
You had been falsely informed by Mike that him and Doll were broken up. Why did he lie to you? You'll have to speak to him about that later...

Soon yelling and screaming comes from inside which makes you consider checking on them. Or calling the police. But those may not be necessary as long as Doll doesn't try to stab Mike or anything. Some chicks can get crazy over things like this.
But who could blame them?

Soon there is a cussing with a door slam and everything is silent. You wait for a while before walking back inside cautiously.

Mike was sitting on the couch with his hand rubbing his red cheek gently. Doll must have slapped him across the face. And pretty hard by the looks of it.

"Why did you lie to me?"Is the first think that comes out of your mouth when you walk in front of him and stand. Mike slowly looks up at you and gets a painful expression but does not answer.


"I'm sorry (Y/N),I really am. I tried to break it to her but I couldn't. It's not that I still have feelings for her it's just I was afraid how she was going to react." Mike speaks to you softly and sadly which is something you haven't seen before from him. This is how you know he is telling the truth.

"How did she take it?"You ask as you sit next to him and take his face gently to look at his red cheek.
"Better then I thought. I honestly thought she'd flip and try to kill me. She is crazy."Mike says,wincing when you touch his cheek, "But it's only a slap."

"Good. She gone now?"You ask softly.
"She just has to come get her stuff and she's gone for good. At least I hope. It wasn't a happy relationship we had."

You lay on the couch for a while with Mike,his head against your stomach and your arms around his head gently. He soon falls asleep but you do not. You look down at his head and mess with the beanie he was wearing once again,but not taking it off.


Doll comes back a few days later for all of her things. She takes them with the help of a 'guy-friend' and leaves without looking nor speaking to you. Whatever,fine.

After she leaves Mike plops down on the couch next to you which makes you bounce up and squeak.
"Man...It's going to be pretty lonely around here by myself now..."Mike says and props his chin up on the arm of the couch.
"What do you mean? You've got me,silly."You say with a giggle and Mike looks over at you.
"But what if you're not here and at your house?"
"Then I guess that I will have to make this my house too."

A big smile goes across Mike's face.

"Really?! You want to move in?!"Mike says as he gets excited all the sudden like a little kid which makes you smile wide.
"If it's ok with you-"

Mike cuts you off by tackle hugging you to the couch and covering your face with kisses.
"Thank you Thank you!"he says repeatedly as your face reddens and you laugh aloud.
"Alright alright down boy!"You laugh and try to push him off.

"You gonna get the stuff from my place?"You ask him while laying back so Mike can lay on you.
"Yes. I will use my amazing muscles."He replies while laying his chin on your stomach.
"What muscles? You mean those things right there?"
"Shut it."

Mike makes you stop talking with a kiss which you instantly melt into. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your waist.
And you two slowly kiss each other for a while before getting stopped by a phone call from Mike's phone next to the couch on the coffee table.

Mike groans and pulls away to answer it,you watching and waiting with a pouty face on. Things were just about to get heated!

Mike has a paled face as he slowly puts the phone back on the table after a few minutes and he rubs his face. You instantly become worried; something had happened. Something terrible by the looks of it.

"Mike...whats wrong..?"You ask slowly with caution as you crawl over to put a hand on his shoulder.

"We should have never left Lessy alone to work by himself for three days straight...he's dead and the business is shut down."

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