Past Twelve

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You look in the mirror of the bathroom,smoothing down your shirt and looking yourself up and down with your new uniform on. It was a light blue shirt with black (bottoms),and a hat. Across your breast part of your shirt was a name tag that read "(Y/N)",of course. So basically,it was the same uniform that Mike has.

"Nice."you say,smiling and gathering your clothes up. You turn off the light in the bathroom and walk out,arms full of clothes.
You left your umbrella in the office before you left to change,your jacket in there also. You pass by a clock on the wall and stop for a second to check the time. 12:03. Eh,just 3 minutes late. No prob-

Your thought were interrupted by something grabbing you again,it's arms around you and a hand suddenly clamping over your mouth. Your eyes get wide and your heart rate picks up again.
"Sh,don't make a sound. Get pack to the office."You hear Mike's voice whispers next to your ear and you get red some bit nod with his face being so close.He uncovers your mouth and pushes you forward to start moving and you stumble,but quickly walk to the office.

When you arrive there,you turn to Mike with a angry look.
"W-Why do you keep doing that?!"You ask kinda loud when Mike walks in and he gives you a sharp "SH." You huff angrily,but is really cutely,and plop down on the seat closest to you with your arms crossed.

"Never do that again! You need to be in this office before twelve,no later!You're lucky that it's only Monday and they aren't active as much!"Mike whispers yells to you angrily at you. You suddenly feel smaller and sink into your chair like a child and looking down.You do wonder what he meant by "they",but you don't ask.Whisper yelling still had the same effect as regular.

Mike sees you do this and groans,plopping down in his seat and grab the tablet off the table. You don't say anything,looking down and playing with your pants fabric between your fingers.
"Look,sorry I got angry."Mike mumbles after a couple minutes of silence,leaning back and putting his feet up on the desk as he taps on the tablet.

"I-It's ok-ok..."you mumble,then looking over at him.
"What are you doing?"you ask him softly,rolling your chair over so you are behind him.
"Work."he replies simply and you peek over his shoulder at the tablet screen. It looked like he was switching through the security cameras in the building.

"You have to basically check the cameras and watch the place. Watch the animatronics and make sure they don't get in." Mike says and you look at him with a confused face.
"Get in?"you ask him and he nods. Then he switches back to the stage and you look,seeing Bonnie gone.
"W-WHERE DID B-BONNIE GO-GO?!"You ask/yell,leaning over Mike and pointing at the screen where Bonnie used to be.

All you get in return in a finger to your lips and you go cross-eyes to look at his finger.
"Once again,SH. They are attracted to noise and will come faster."Mike says calmly now,slowly taking his finger away and you wipe your lips.
"Anyway,they move at night. Don't ask me how or whatever,just know that if they get in,they will stuff you in a suit and kill you."Mike explains and you can feel your face pale.

"Don't worry,we just have to close the door to keep them out."Mike says,actually chuckling at your face and you go from white to red.
"Check the hall. Press the button that says 'Light.' Press the one that says 'Door' to close the door,which I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know already."Mike says and you get up,pressing the button and a light turns on in the hall. You look and see a bunny figure down the hall. Your eyes get wide and you instantly slam your hand on the door button to close it.

"What?! Was he at the door?!"Mike asks quickly and you press your back against the door,starting to sweat in fear and gulp.
"H-He is down the hall..."you say and Mike frowns,furrowing his eyebrows.
"You're wasting power,"Mike says as he looks out he window,"But he is out the door now so keep it closed."

You nod and tremble some in fear of what Mike said and that were ACTUALLY moving to the office,feeling your heart speed pick up ONCE AGAIN and so you sit down in your seat to calm down.
"Welcome to the Fazbear Family."Mike says,slapping your back and giving you a grin as he sits down once again,picking up the tablet.

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