Killer Pooh-Bear

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The night actually went on like every other,just you having to sit there in front of the desk because Mike wouldn't let you help and watch him do everything by himself. Which he had to do this a lot alone so it wasn't much of a challenge to him.
Freddy,Bonnie,and Chica came out like usual,but not Foxy even though Mike clearly didn't check Pirates Cove a lot. Poor Fox. Poor,poor killer pirate fox.

But Mike did keep checking the cameras more frequently then needed,which this was dangerous because wig limited power,and it looked like he was looking for something.
"W-Why are you acting like this,Mike?"You finally ask him as he slams the door shut in Freddy's face.
"Don't worry about it. Just sit there and be pretty."Mike says,trying to take the nervousness away some and you blush. He smiles at you,but then the clock turns to 5 and he fLIPS.

"OH F*CK IS IT FIVE ALREADY HOLY SH*T THIS ISNT GOOD ITS COMING SH*T SH*T F*CK ME SIDEWAYS /SH*T/."Mike begins yelling out like the worst thing ever is about to happen. But the animatronics don't move. You glance down at the camera in Mike's lap as he looks around,waiting for something to happen,and see all of them back on the stage like normal. Hm....

"Mike,but their-"You begins,but then,all the lights shut out suddenly. Your breath hitches and you tense up,glancing around the darkness of the office. You don't hear any movement,not even Mike moving.
"M-Mike...?"you squeak out after a couple minutes. Then a flashlight comes on and shines on you,making you cover your eyes as Mike's hand comes out and picks you up.

"It's alright.."Mike whispers to you,your heart pounding against your chest so hard that he could probably hear it. You watch the light shine in front of you on the floor me you stare at it,not looking up.
"D-Did we r-run out of p-power...?"
No response.

"SH." Mike suddenly commands,then forcing you to walk forward with you against his chest even though you don't want to. Yes,let's walk into the dark scary building where you can possibly DIE!

But then,Mike's flashlight's beam suddenly shines on something down the hall. And it's something that confuses get scared you.

A yellow,limp Freddy Fazbear's suit was sitting at the end of the hall,looking old and its mouth hung open. It had no eyes and clearly no endoskeleton in it. Even though it didn't,it still somehow was looking right at you and Mike with its limp head.
It looked like a big,creepy Winnie the Pooh.
I know,not a good time to say that.

You press against Mike some more and you can feel his own heart beating hard. He starts backing up with you but as he does,the suit following,not moving from that position but sliiiiiiding towards you.

"Y-Y-Y-Yeah...?"you ask in a shaky voice,trembling as you and him stops at the office.

And as soon as he says that,then suit suddenly let's out a weird soundly screech and leaps to you and Mike,it's mouth still open.
You let out a scream with Mike and instantly dart into the office and run out the other side. The suit crashing into the wall but shakes it off instantly,going after you and Mike once again.

You glance back at it as Mike takes your hand and runs with you/pulls you down the hall. The suit was literally just floating after you,being limp in the air but still screeching. It actually looked harmless,but you didn't want to take the chance.

"LOOK,I KNOW THIS ISN'T THE TIME BUT I NEED TO GET THIS OUT BEFORE I LOOSE THE CHANCE!!"Mike yells,glancing at you and you look up at him as the screeching gets closer.
Holy crap....
Is he about to say...?

"-WE HAVE TO TAKE THIS /GOLDEN/ OPPORTUNITY." Mike yells,suddenly stopping and opening a door. He shoves you in and closes the door as he gets in himself. And he locks it also (like its gonna help). You take a few deep breaths,leaning against the wall as you comprehend what just happened.

...wait...did he...

He just made a a situation like this??

"D-Did you really j-just-?"You begin to ask but he shushes you,leaning next to the door next to you. Your face goes red,his face inches away from yours but he doesn't look at you,instead at the door.
No screeching came,just dead silence. No sound of movement from the suit.

But the DING of the 6 bell makes you both jump,you yelping and going to Mike's chest. Your face heats up more but Mike clearly doesn't mind as he lets out a breath of relief and relaxes.
"Thank God..."Mike whispers,letting his head fall down some as he takes deep breaths. You relax when you see him do. That must mean that it's over.

"W-What was t-that..?"You ask shakingly,still freaked out some as Mike looks down at you with his beautiful blue eyes. Your face somehow heats up more,so much that it feels like it's about to melt.
"I'll explain later...I think we should get home and get some rest first're probably scared sh*tless..."Mike says,running a hand over your hair and this makes you relax even more as you nod slowly.

But neither of you move,staring at each other for a time that felt like forever.

Then...Mike starts slowly leaning into you with his eyes starting to close. You feel your heart start to pound as you lean into him... and then your lips gently press together.

[[[[[[HAPPY NEW YEAR]]]]]]

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