Magic Mike

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(Not what you think)

You wake up to the wonderful smell of (favorite breakfast) going through the house. You blink your eyes open,yawning softly as you sit up slightly with a groan.
"Man that smells great."You say mainly to yourself with a large smile. You sit up fully as Mike sticks his head in your room.
"Morning beautiful."Mike says with a wink,making you flush instantly and bury your face in the blanket. Mike just lets out a laugh and walks in,jumping on the bed on his back which makes you bounce.

"How'd ya sleep?"Mike asks you,putting his hands behind his head as you peak at him.
" about you?"You respond while uncovering your face,your redness still there some.
"Ehhhh,I'll live. But I think something's wrong with the cushion in your couch. It seems like...a deep-seated problem."Mike says with a goofy grin,making you laugh.
"That was a terrible pun!"You laugh,smiling wide and fully awake now.

"But funny."Mike says,clicking his tongue and pointing at you with another wink. You laugh again but with your face getting hot.
"Anywho,I've made you some
breakfast. Least I can do since you let me stay."Mike says as he flings his legs to get up.
"Aww,thanks Mikey!"you say with a large smile as you hurry after him down the hall to the kitchen.

"And I was thinking that we can go see a movie or something?"Mike says as you sit down at the table,tensing up when he says that. He wanted to go to the movies with you? Wait...
"T-The movies? You mean like"You stutter some,your face feeling like its about to melt off as Mike fixes you a plate to eat.
"Sure,if you want. I was planning on using a ton of cheesy pick-lines on you throughout the night."Mike says with a shrug,setting the plate in front of you. The smell makes your mouth water and you instantly dig in.

"But wait,we don't have our pay checks to get into the movies. I don't have any money!"You say while swallowing your food with a gulp,just now thinking of that. You never even got your paycheck for the week!
"Ta-da!"Mike then suddenly shouts,pulling out two pink slips from his back pocket with a grin on. You just noticed that he still had his uniform on,including his hat.
"Whoa,when did you get those?!"You ask in surprising,staring up at the slips.
"Magic Mike. Here ya go."
"Magic Mike? Seriously?"
"For real."

You laugh and shake your head as you try to take your slip but Mike pulls it higher suddenly so you can't reach.
You jump up repeatedly,trying to grab your check but Mike being too tall. He laughs as he watches you.
"To get this,you gotta give me one kiss~"Mike purrs,still having his grin on as your face heats up again.

You let out a groan as he pops out his lips and eyes closed. You blush even more and glance down as you give him a quick peck on the lips.
"Thank yoouu~!"Mike says as he lets down his arm so you can swipe the check away from him.

"You are such a meanie!"
"I know. I'm the biggest meanie in the world. But also the hottest,if I must say."

You roll your eyes as Mike laughs aloud,you plopping back down into your chair with your paycheck and finishing your delicious meal quickly.

A Fangirl's Dream: Mike X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now