Working Alone

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I think I'm going to stick with 2nd :P

Once again,you're early then Mike.
You're getting pretty dang good at this if you ask me. And you finally got a spare key from Boss,so now you won't have to want all the time for Mike to get here to get in.

It was 11:50 when Mike walks into the office,looking tired and  rubbing his face when he comes in.
"Hello."you say with a smile and your voice apparently makes him jump in surprise.
"Dam,didn't except you to be here. You're *yawn* getting pretty good at this."Mike says,ruffling your hair as he sits down which makes you blush.
"By the way,how'd it go with Dolly last night?"Mike asks you,checking his watch as he props up his feet on the desk.

You were about to say 'She was pretty rude and a jerk to me',you didn't want to say cuss words,but you stop yourself. That's probably NOT what he wants to hear so you rethink.
"Um...I-It when good...j-just talked about h-how cute you w-were when you slept..."You stutter some and Mike looks at you with a brow raised.
"And she didn't care that you said that? Right then. Also,I'm not cute when I sleep."Mike says with a grin and you blush some more.

"Are you tired? You can go to sleep y'know..."you say,starting to take the tablet from him but he frowns and moves it away from you.
"Um,no. I am pretty tired cause I couldn't sleep last night,but I'm not letting you work alone."Mike says with his eyebrows furrowed and you too your eyes some.
"C'mon,it's fine. I got this,promise."You say with a reassuring smile and he bites his lip some,glancing away from you as he thinks hard. You don't see why you can't do it by yourself. It's the 5th night already,so you've been doing this for four days.

"Ok,(Y/N). But this is the 5th night so it's going to be pretty dang hard. So promise me that you will wake me up if there is trouble."Mike says softly and you nod quickly.
"Alright. It's 11:55,so you have 5 minutes. WAKE ME UP IF ANYTHING HAPPENS."Mike says,saying the last part kinda loud.
"Ok Mike Ok! Just go to sleep!"you say,laughing some and he smiles at you.

He nods and yawns,leaning back in his chair and his head to the side,closing his eyes and putting us hands over his stomach. You watch him,blushing as he finally falls asleep after a few minutes.
And that when it turns 12 and when you look down at the camera,all the animatronics were gone from the stage.

Well this should be fun.

You start sweating nervously as you flipping through the cameras for them,mini-panicking already. Bonnie was already in the hall (how he does it that fast will always be a mystery,Chica playing with her pots and pans in the kitchen (always wondered why she does that),and Freddy in the girls bathroom (Fazbear you perv).
Alright,you got dis. No prob. It's just like every other night,just all of them move quicker and are probably more determined to kill you now.

But then you look at Pirates Cove and see something you have never seen before. A fox head was sticking out the curtains,his mouth hanging open with razor sharp teeth showing,and it's yellow eyes staring right up at you.


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