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Chapter 5: A Cruel Evening

Nia continued to gaze at the moon, its serene beauty serving as a comforting presence in her life. She smiled, albeit a small one, knowing that this simple connection with nature and the moon was one of the few things that brought her happiness. It might not have been grand, but it was a small solace in her otherwise tumultuous world.

"How are you so pretty, Moon?" Nia whispered to the celestial body above. "Even with all those spots, you still look incredibly beautiful. And here I am, feeling ugly with this scar." Unconsciously, a slight pout formed on her lips.

"I wish I could be as pretty as you," she sighed aloud, her stomach protesting from days of self-imposed starvation. She had lost count of when she last had a proper meal. Closing the window, Nia left her room, guided by the gnawing hunger that had become her constant companion.

As she walked, she heard voices emanating from the dining room below. She quickened her pace, curiosity getting the better of her. Peeking around the corner, she was met with a scene that made her heart sink. Her mother was feeding her brother, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the sumptuous spread laid out on the dining table. It struck Nia suddenly , it was her brother's birthday today, and she had forgotten.

Her stomach rumbled audibly at the sight of the delectable dishes, but guilt gnawed at her for neglecting her only brother's special day.

Out of nowhere, a voice accused her, "What are you doing here?" Nia turned to find her uncle, standing with a stern expression. Fear gripped her, rendering her unable to speak or move.

Her uncle pulled her into the dining room, drawing the attention of everyone, including the maids and guards. "Look who we have here," her mother mocked.

"Sister, I found her peeking inside the dining room," her uncle reported.

"Thank you for bringing her here, my dear brother. Why don't you enjoy yourself?" her mother said, tossing her black card to her brother, who gladly accepted it and left the room, leaving Nia alone with the ominous presence of her mother.

"Are you hungry, my lovely daughter?" her mother inquired, but Nia remained silent, her body trembling with fear.

"Answer when you're asked something!" her mother yelled, and Nia jumped, her voice trembling as she replied, "Yes, miss."

"You know what? I'm in a good mood today, so you can have some," her mother said with a sinister smirk, her son aware that his mother was plotting something.

A maid entered with a small bowl containing rice and a piece of radish pickle. Nia accepted it gratefully, her stomach crying out for sustenance.

"Eat it, my daughter," her mother taunted, her smirk never fading. Her son, however, sensed that his mother had dark intentions.

Taking a bite, Nia's taste buds were assaulted by an overwhelming saltiness that made her wince. She forced herself to swallow but couldn't bring herself to take another bite. Her mother's response was swift and cruel.

"My daughter, don't you like the food? Are you not hungry?" her mother mocked, and Nia shook her head, tears welling up.

"I said eat!" her mother yelled, but Nia remained still, her mother's frustration growing.

In a fit of anger, her mother forcefully pulled Nia's hair and pried open her daughter's mouth, shoving the rice inside. Nia couldn't help but cry out in pain as her tears mixed with the food her mother forced upon her. Her chin turned red from her mother's harsh grip, but she was powerless to resist.

With the bowl emptied and Nia left in tears, her mother laughed in satisfaction, reveling in her daughter's pathetic state. Even her brother appeared disturbed by his mother's cruelty. They had wanted to exact revenge on Nia, but had they gone too far?

"Wasn't it delicious?" her mother taunted, and Nia, with red, tearful eyes, replied softly, "Yes."

"That's good. Now, go back to your room," her mother commanded, and Nia stumbled backward before fleeing to her room, her sobs echoing in the hallway.

Ms. Lee couldn't help but laugh at her daughter's retreating figure, reveling in her twisted satisfaction.

"Mom, I have some work. I'm going out," her son said, and she nodded, allowing her son to depart.


Any thoughts?

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