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Nia found herself standing in the same house, the one she wanted to escaped from forever.

Her mother's voice echoed through the dark, narrow hallways, laced with anger and cruelty. "Nia! Where are you, you brat?"

Nia's heart raced as she tried to hide, but her feet were glued to the floor. She could feel the weight of her mother's gaze, piercing through the walls, searching for her like a predator stalking its prey.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the memories flooded back. The sound of shattering glass, the sting of a slap, the relentless verbal abuse it was all too real, too vivid.

"Nia, you're worthless. You'll never amount to anything," her mother's voice hissed, echoing in her ears.

Her breathing grew erratic as the memories unfolded. She desperately wanted to wake up, to escape this torment, but the nightmare held her in its suffocating grip.

Nia clenched her fists, determined to break free from this haunting nightmare. The mirrors multiplied, reflecting her mother's twisted visage from every angle. Each sinister smile etched into her psyche, a cruel reminder of the pain she longed to leave behind.

As Nia navigated the suffocating maze of memories, a flicker of strength ignited within her. "No more," she whispered, her voice trembling yet resolute.

But despite her whispered resolve, the shadows seemed to close in around Nia. The once hopeful door to escape now appeared distant and unreachable. The mirrors, shattered momentarily, began to reform, each piece reflecting her mother's haunting presence.

A mournful realization swept over Nia , the nightmare wasn't just a creation of her subconscious; it was an inescapable part of her reality. The echoes of her mother's scornful words reverberated louder, drowning out the feeble whispers of self-affirmation.

In this desolate dreamscape, Nia felt the weight of hopelessness settling in. The tears that had welled up now cascaded down her cheeks, mirroring the shattered fragments of her aspirations. The air felt heavy, as if the very essence of her being was entwined with the darkness that enveloped her.

As her mother's voice intensified, morphing into an eerie symphony of cruelty, Nia's spirit waned. The once defiant fists now hung limply at her sides. The predatory gaze closed in, suffocating any remnants of resistance.

In the grip of this mysterious and sorrowful dreamscape, Nia's longing for escape seemed like a distant, unattainable star. The nightmare, a relentless phantom, held her captive, leaving her trapped in the shadows of her own despair.

"Nia, you thought you could escape me? You're nothing without me," her mother's voice taunted, weaving through the air like a venomous serpent. Nia's shoulders slumped, the weight of her mother's words pressing down on her fragile spirit.

"I just wanted... I just wanted to be free," Nia whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the echoes of torment.

"Free? You don't deserve freedom. You don't deserve love, all you deserve is hate. You're a burden, a disappointment," her mother's venomous words sliced through the oppressive darkness, each syllable heavy with the weight of condemnation. The air itself seemed to shudder at the calculated precision of her cruelty.

The echoes of her mother's disdain reverberated, creating an inescapable web around Nia. The shadows clung to her like malevolent specters, whispering tales of inadequacy that seeped into the very fabric of her being.

"You thought you could escape this, Nia? Foolish. You're tethered to misery, forever shackled by your own flaws," her mother's voice carried an otherworldly resonance, as if the nightmare itself had become an entity with its own twisted consciousness.

Nia, held captive by the oppressive force of her mother's words, felt the weight of her existence crushing down on her. The mirrors, once shattered in defiance, now reflected an image distorted by self-loathing and despair.

Her gaze remained fixed on the floor, tears splashing silently onto the cold surface. The nightmare, once a battleground for resilience, now felt like an inescapable prison, with her mother as the unyielding warden.

"Your dreams are nothing but illusions. Face it, Nia, you're destined for misery," her mother declared, the sinister smile in the mirrors growing more malevolent with each passing moment.

In the suffocating silence that followed, Nia's spirit crumbled further. The hope she had desperately clung to flickered and dimmed. The walls of the house seemed to close in, and the narrow hallways became a labyrinth of despair.

As the shadows whispered their sorrowful lullabies, Nia and her mother stood locked in a macabre dance, entangled in a conversation that echoed the deepest recesses of her subconscious, a tragic symphony that seemed to have no end.

A sharp, searing pain cut through the air as Nia felt her mother's cruel touch. The nightmare took a gruesome turn as her mother, with a sinister glint in her eyes, traced a cold finger along Nia's trembling lips.

"You think your words matter, Nia? Let's silence you once and for all," her mother hissed, tightening an invisible grip around Nia's voice. A stifled gasp escaped her as an unseen force seemed to bind her lips together.

Nia's eyes widened in terror as the wound around her mouth manifested, an agonizing symbol of the suppression she had endured for so long. The mirrors reflected a grotesque tableau her silent screams reverberating in the hollow chambers of her nightmare.

The darkness clung to her, amplifying the profound isolation of her muted existence. Her pleas for mercy were swallowed by the void, unheard, as the nightmare wove a tapestry of despair around her silenced form.

In the macabre dance between mother and daughter, the wound served as a grotesque punctuation mark, a cruel reminder of the powerlessness that had defined Nia's existence. The mirrors, now tainted with blood, distorted her reflection into a haunting portrait of silent suffering.

The nightmare unfolded like a relentless cascade, each moment more harrowing than the last. Nia, bound by the invisible chains of her subconscious torment, found herself drowning in a sea of her mother's twisted words.

"You'll never escape me, Nia. I'll haunt your every dream, every waking moment," her mother's voice echoed, a malevolent chorus that resonated within the depths of her psyche. The wound around her mouth intensified the sense of powerlessness, amplifying the impact of each spectral utterance.

"You're destined to live in darkness, forever tormented by your own inadequacy," her mother's words sliced through the air, leaving wounds that bled self-doubt and despair.

Nia's attempts to break free became feeble whispers in the face of her mother's relentless verbal onslaught. The narrow hallways of the nightmare expanded into an infinite labyrinth, trapping her in a suffocating cycle of anguish.

As the mirrors multiplied, each reflection showcased a different facet of her mother's cruelty. The sinister smiles morphed into grotesque masks, each whisper a poison that seeped into the recesses of her soul.

"I am your nightmare, Nia, and you can never escape what you truly are," her mother's voice resonated, a haunting refrain that etched itself onto the walls of Nia's subconscious.

In this surreal dreamscape, Nia became a captive audience to the tragic symphony of her mother's malevolence, the nightmare intensifying with each cruel word that echoed through the dark corridors of her mind.

"You'll never be loved," the voice taunted, driving a knife through her already wounded soul.


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