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Chapter 4: Grief's Embrace

Tears flowed freely from Jongsuk's eyes as he clutched a photo frame, his fingers trembling. Within the frame, a cherished image of his beloved daughter smiled back at him, frozen in time. The photograph served as a painful reminder of the daughter he had tragically lost in an accident several years ago.

Despite the weight of sorrow that pressed upon him, Jongsuk couldn't help but offer a melancholic smile as he gazed at the cherished image. It was a bittersweet moment, as the picture evoked precious memories, vividly replaying in his mind.

He could still vividly recall the day his daughter had walked into his office, her eyes filled with excitement and hope, simply to ask him to accompany her on a bicycle ride.

The sheer joy he had felt when he held his bundles of joy in his arms was something he would never forget. However, life had a cruel way of proving the adage that happiness is fleeting.

"The pain and sorrow of losing both of you still haunts me," Jongsuk murmured, his voice filled with aching longing

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"The pain and sorrow of losing both of you still haunts me," Jongsuk murmured, his voice filled with aching longing. He continued to embrace the photo frame as though it were a lifeline to his cherished memories.

In the privacy of his office, he allowed his tears to fall freely. He couldn't hide the raw emotion that coursed through him, no matter how strong he appeared on the outside.

"My little babies... Dad misses you both so much," he whispered, his voice choked with sadness. He wiped away his tears, a futile attempt to conceal his grief. "Don't you miss Dad?" he asked, a bitter, wistful chuckle escaping his lips.

"Jongsuk?" a voice called out from behind him, and Jongsuk turned to find his best friend, Woobin, standing there with arms crossed over his chest.

Woobin had noticed Jongsuk's tears and wasted no time in approaching his friend, offering him a warm, comforting embrace.

"Woobin-ah, I miss them," Jongsuk confessed, his voice trembling with sorrow. "I want them back, to hold them in my arms again."

No matter how physically strong he appeared, the loss of his daughters had shattered him emotionally. He was only human, and no amount of strength could shield him from the pain that gnawed at his heart.

Gently rubbing Jongsuk's back, Woobin tried to soothe his sobbing friend. He knew that the road to healing would be long and difficult, but he also had faith that Jongsuk would eventually find solace.

Despite Jongsuk's efforts to conceal his feelings, Woobin couldn't help but feel a profound sadness as he witnessed his friend's suffering. It was a reminder that even the strongest of individuals could be brought to their knees by the weight of grief.

Grief had settled within Jongsuk's heart like an unwelcome guest, refusing to depart even as the years passed. Each day was a struggle to find solace amid the relentless ache of loss. His daughters' deaths had left him not only physically strong but emotionally vulnerable.

As Woobin held his friend in a comforting embrace, he knew that Jongsuk's suffering ran deep. The scars of loss, hidden beneath a facade of strength, had never truly healed.

"Jongsuk, it's okay to miss them," Woobin whispered, his voice filled with empathy. "They were your world, and their absence is a void that can never be completely filled."

Jongsuk nodded, his tears slowly subsiding, but the pain remained etched on his face. "I just wish I could hold them again, even for a moment."

As the two friends sat in the quiet of Jongsuk's office, they found solace in each other's presence. Woobin had always been there for Jongsuk, a steadfast pillar of support during the darkest times.

Days turned into weeks, and life continued to unfold its unpredictable course. Fate, it seemed, held something special in store for the Kim family, something that would alter the trajectory of their lives and test the bonds of friendship and family.

The burdens of grief and sorrow may have weighed heavily on Jongsuk, but the future held the promise of unexpected twists and newfound hope. For now, he clung to the memory of his daughters, cherishing the moments they had shared, and finding strength in the presence of a friend who understood the depths of his pain.


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