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"Where's my daughter?" Jongsuk grabbed the guard's collar angrily.

"Mas..t.er-" The guard tried to speak but Jongsuk pushed him down. "Shut up! Your only job was to watch my daughter until I got back!"

Jongsuk threw a vase at the wall, breaking it, his body was shaking up in anger.

The guard trembled on the ground as Jongsuk paced back and forth, his fists clenched in frustration. "I trusted you! How could you let this happen?"

The guard stammered, "I'm... I'm sorry, Master. She... she was just laying on the bed but when I woke up then she just... disappeared."

"We checked the CCTV footage Master, but she just disappeared. Even the hospital guards were searching for her, but they couldn't find Young Miss," the other guard stammered fearfully.

Jongsuk's face twisted with anger. "You bunch of trained men couldn't look after a single child! Find her, now!"

"Master, why don't we communicate the Young Masters? It would help us find Young Miss easier," Mr. Choi suggested.

"I have my reasons, Choi. We're skilled professionals, and I've led the mafia world for decades. We can find her," Jongsuk replied confidently.

Mr. Choi understood Jongsuk's need for secrecy but felt uneasy about not involving others.

Jongsuk's voice echoes through the room, his anger palpable. The guards scramble to their feet, knowing better than to argue with their Master.

"Find my daughter!!" Jongsuk yelled, his anger flaring up.

His men are searching all over Korea for his daughter, but the only clue they have is that she was last seen entering a café before disappearing. The guards scatter, each one taking a different direction to look for any sign of her.

The bustling streets of Korea make the search even more difficult. The weight of Jongsuk's frustration and fear was heavy in the air.

"Mr. Choi," Jongsuk growled, "tell me why is it taking for you all so long to find my daughter!!."

Mr. Choi spoke carefully, "Master , we are trying our best"

"Best my foot" Jongsuk murmmered

Outside, the guards were coordinating.

"Did you check the security footage from the café?" one guard asked another.

"Yes, but it was inconclusive. We need to ask around. Someone must have seen something."

A third guard chimed in, "Let's split up and check the area. Check with every shop owner and passerby. We can't miss any details."

Back in the room, Mr. Choi tried once more. "Sir, please reconsider. We should inform Young Master, the harder it will be to find her."

Jongsuk's expression softened just a fraction. "I know, Choi. But I can't risk it. If anyone finds out she's missing, they might see it as a weakness."

Mr. Choi nodded, understanding the delicate balance of power they were navigating. "We'll find her, Master. We won't rest until she's home."

"See that you don't," Jongsuk said, his voice low but resolute. "And keep me updated every hour."

As the guards continued their search, tension and urgency hung thick in the air. The clock was ticking, and every second counted.

The guards dispersed through the streets, each one knew the importance of their mission and the consequences of failure.

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 ( 𝐀 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬) Where stories live. Discover now