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In Seoul,

"We need to find her," Jongsuk growled, his frustration palpable. "She can't just disappear like this."

Mr. Choi nodded grimly. "We'll keep searching, sir. Minho and Han are following up on a lead."

Jongsuk clenched his fists, his mind racing with worry for his daughter. He couldn't afford to lose her again, not after everything they had been through.

"We need to move quickly," Jongsuk said firmly. "Check every possible lead. I want updates every hour."

His men nodded in understanding, scattering to continue their search throughout the city. The weight of their failure hung heavy in the air, each one determined to make things right.

As the hours passed, Jongsuk's thoughts returned to the last time he had seen Y/n, lying unconscious in front of his car. He had rushed her to the hospital, desperate to save her, only to lose her again when she ran away after waking from her coma.

"She's out there somewhere," Jongsuk murmured to himself, his voice filled with determination. "And I will find her."

Jongsuk's men continued their search with relentless determination. Minho and Han followed the lead about the man with the scar.

They checked every bar and back alley, questioning anyone who might have seen the mysterious man. Hours turned into a long night, but they refused to give up.

Finally, in a dimly lit bar, they found someone who recognized the description.

"Yeah, I saw him," a bartender said, wiping down the counter. "He was here a few nights ago, causing trouble. Left with a girl who looked pretty beat up."

Minho's heart raced. "Which way did they go?"

The bartender pointed towards the back exit. "He left through there. Don’t know where they went after that."

Han quickly relayed the information back to their headquarters. Jongsuk listened intently, his jaw clenched with determination.

"We're getting closer," Mr. Choi assured him. "It's only a matter of time."

Jongsuk nodded, his eyes dark with resolve. "Keep pushing. We have to find her."

As his men continued their search, Jongsuk's thoughts drifted to Y/n. He whole heartedly wished that wherever she was, he hoped she was safe and unharmed.

Minho and Han cautiously approached the warehouse, they could feel the tension in the air. The place looked eerie with its rusty exterior and dimly lit interior. They nodded silently to each other before entering, their guns ready.

Inside, they found rows of cages holding scared-looking young women. Some were crying softly, others looked too afraid to move. The air smelled bad, like something had died.

Minho whispered to Han, "Let's check each cage carefully. Keep an eye out for any sign of Miss Y/n."

Just then, Jongsuk arrived, looking determined but worried. He joined them quietly, his eyes scanning the cages with a mix of anger and sadness.

"We need to find who did this," Jongsuk said firmly. "And make sure these girls are safe."

As they unlocked the cages, Jongsuk checked each girl's face, hoping to see Y/n. But she wasn't there.

"We didn't find her," Han said, his voice low with disappointment.

Jongsuk clenched his fists, his face tense with worry. "Keep looking. We can't give up."

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 ( 𝐀 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬) Where stories live. Discover now