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Chapter 2: The New Beginning

Nia stepped into the bustling university campus, her heart racing with nervous anticipation. Her face was obscured behind a mask, a shield from the prying eyes of curious students who glanced her way. She felt their stares like pinpricks against her skin, but she pressed on, determined to start anew.

As she navigated through the crowd, lost in her thoughts, she accidentally collided with a tall, sharply dressed young man. "I'm sorry," she stammered, immediately apologetic.

The young man recoiled slightly, his expression clouded with annoyance. "Watch where you're going," he retorted sharply, his tone cutting through the air.

"I didn't mean to," Nia replied softly, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "I apologize."

He scoffed, brushing past her without another word, leaving Nia standing there, bewildered by his reaction. She took a deep breath, shaking off the encounter, and continued toward the school office to collect her locker key and class assignments.

Inside the office, Nia approached the counter, her nerves still jangling. The administrative assistant greeted her warmly, handing over the necessary items with a smile. "Here you go, Nia. Let me know if you need anything else."

"Thank you," Nia murmured gratefully, tucking the items into her bag. She glanced around the bustling office, noticing other students chatting excitedly about their schedules and new beginnings. A pang of loneliness washed over her as she realized she hadn't made any new friends just as usual.

Walking to her first class, she found  a seat near the back of the lecture hall, trying to blend in with the other students. Throughout the class, she noticed occasional glances directed her way, some curious, others indifferent.

During the lunch break, she hesitated near the cafeteria, uncertain where to sit. She scanned the room filled with animated groups of students, feeling like an outsider. No one approached her, and she didn't dare intrude on any of the established groups.

She settled for a secluded spot near a window, unpacking her lunch quietly that was just a piece of old dry bread. As she ate, she observed the lively interactions around her. Despite the loneliness, a quiet hope stirred within her a hope for a friend who would understand and accept her.

The afternoon passed uneventfully, filled with lectures and note-taking. Nia immersed herself in her studies, finding solace in the familiar routine. As the day drew to a close, she gathered her belongings, ready to head home.

Outside, the campus buzzed with activity, students streaming in all directions. Nia paused for a moment, taking in the sights and sounds of her new environment. With a deep breath, she set off towards the bus stop, her mind already turning towards the tasks and hopes of tomorrow.

As Nia approached the bus stop, she noticed a group of students chatting and laughing nearby. They seemed so at ease with each other. She sighed inwardly, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

She replayed the encounter with the sharply dressed young man in her mind, wondering if things could have been different if she had said something else, or if he had been more understanding.

Boarding the bus, Nia found a seat near the window and gazed out at the passing scenery. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the buildings and trees. She felt a pang of homesickness, missing the familiarity of her old surroundings, despite the painful memories associated with them.

Arriving home, Nia greeted her mother quietly, retreating to her room without much conversation. Her mother's disapproving gaze lingered, but Nia had grown accustomed to the silent tension that permeated their home. She closed the door behind her, leaning against it for a moment to collect her thoughts.

Pulling out her phone, she scrolled through social media, seeing posts from her former classmates enjoying their university experiences. A pang of envy crept in, mingled with a sense of determination. She wasn't going to let loneliness and isolation define her time at university.

As the night deepened, she finally set her and lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her mind wandered back to the events of the day, she closed her eyes, feeling hungry. As her stomach grumbled asking for some food to fill it. But she knew she couldn't have anything to fill her stomach except some water.

As the night deepened, Nia finally settled into bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her mind replayed the events of the day, from the awkward encounter with the sharply dressed young man to the moments of quiet solitude during lunch.

Closing her eyes, she couldn't ignore the persistent grumble of her stomach. Hunger gnawed at her, a reminder of the lunch of dry bread she had managed earlier. She knew there was nothing more to eat tonight, only water to quench her thirst. She shifted uncomfortably under the covers, wishing she could quiet the rumbling in her belly.


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