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Chapter 7: Together

A full month had flown by in the blink of an eye, yet the torment and abuse inflicted upon Nia had only intensified. Her frail body bore the scars of countless wounds, a canvas of red marks and bruises that seemed to grow darker with each passing day. Taemin, her ever-vigilant older brother, did his best to come to her aid whenever he could. He would carefully tend to her injuries, dressing her wounds with gentle hands to minimize her suffering.

However, Taemin's assistance, though heartfelt, could only do so much to shield Nia from their mother's cruelty. Ms. Lee had grown increasingly suspicious of her son's actions. The more he tried to protect Nia, the closer he came to revealing their secret, a secret that could prove disastrous for both of them.

As Taemin carefully dabbed antiseptic over Nia's fresh bruises, he winced in sympathy at the pain that crossed her face. She tried to hide it, to be strong, but he knew that every mark on her delicate skin told a story of torment. He couldn't help but feel a burning anger toward his mother for subjecting his sister to such brutality.

"Is it hurting too much?" Taemin asked, his voice filled with concern. He watched as Nia shook her head, her eyes downcast. She was used to pain, used to enduring it in silence, and that hurt him even more.

Nia, at her age, should have been enjoying her youth, spending time with friends, and exploring the world. Instead, she bore the weight of their mother's cruelty, working part-time jobs just to provide for herself. No matter how much Taemin longed to help her, she always refused his assistance, shouldering the pain and burdens alone.

A sigh escaped his lips as he put away the first aid kit. He offered her a plate of food, hoping to bring some solace to her troubled heart. "Oppa?" she began, her eyes filled with concern, knowing that his kindness would only lead to trouble for him.

"Just eat," Taemin replied, handing her the plate and taking a seat beside her. He watched as his sister hesitated for a moment, her eyes flitting from the plate to him and back again. Finally, she sighed and began to eat.

Taemin couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration for his little sister. Despite the hardships she endured, she savored each bite of the meal as if it were a precious gift. For years, he had failed as a brother, neglecting his duties to her, but now he was determined to make amends.

Little did Nia know that their lives were on the brink of change, that a twist of fate was about to set them on a new path, one that held the promise of hope and redemption.

As days turned into weeks, Taemin continued to care for Nia as best he could, all the while secretly plotting a way to break free from their mother's grasp. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult and fraught with danger, but he was willing to do whatever it took to protect his sister and give her the chance at a better life.

With each passing day, the bond between Nia and Taemin grew stronger, forged in the fires of adversity. And as they faced the trials that lay ahead, they clung to the hope that one day they would escape the shadows that had haunted their lives for so long, stepping into the light of a brighter, happier future.

But destiny had a way of throwing unexpected twists their way, and the challenges they would face would test their strength, their love, and their determination to the limit.
He couldn't help but admire his little sister enjoying her food though for years he never fulfilled his duty as a brother but now he was sure he'll do anything just to apologise for his past mistakes.

Little did she knew that the next moment her whole life was going to change...


Any thoughts?

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