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Chapter 10: Missing her

The mansion, once filled with life, had now turned into a cold, desolate place, echoing the silence that enveloped it. The somber atmosphere was broken only by the heart-wrenching cries of a mother, clutching a picture frame tightly to her chest. Beside her stood the male members of the Kim family, their expressions a stark reflection of the profound grief that had settled upon them.

Mrs. Kim's sobs were inconsolable as her husband sat beside her, his comforting presence unable to alleviate the unbearable pain that had engulfed their lives. The photographs in the room were a cruel reminder of their loss, capturing the fleeting moments of happiness they had once shared with their daughters.

The twins had left the world on the same day, an eerie coincidence that cast a chilling shadow over their lives. Even the usually clear, blue sky had surrendered to dark clouds, and the reverberating thunder resonated with the turmoil of the Kim family.

Years had passed since their tragic accident, but the wounds remained raw and unhealed. They had lost not only their daughters but also the joy and warmth that once filled their home. The mansion, once a sanctuary of happiness, had become a hollow shell, devoid of laughter and shared moments.

There were no more family dinners, no more gatherings filled with love. The Kim family had become a fractured unit, isolated within the vast walls of their mansion. Their relationships had disintegrated, replaced by the heavy burden of grief and the bitterness of loss.

The men of the house had undergone a transformation, evolving into ruthless figures who showed no mercy to those who dared to cross their paths. Their anger was volatile, and their actions were swift and merciless. The years of pain had made them colder, their hearts turning to ice.

Even among themselves, the brothers had distanced from each other. The bonds that had once been their pillars of support had withered away, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to bridge. Conversations were reduced to mere formalities, and the love they once shared had been buried under the weight of their shared tragedy.

Yet, despite their isolation from one another, there was one thing that remained unshakable their unwavering loyalty and fierce protection of each other. Any threat to one member of the Kim family was met with a united front, a force that displayed the same strength they had when they were whole.

Jungkook, the youngest of the Kim siblings, often found himself reflecting on the past. He remembered the laughter, the pranks, and the love that bound them together as a family. Those memories were now bittersweet, serving as a painful reminder of what they had lost.

In the darkness of his room, Jungkook's phone illuminated his tear-streaked face as he gazed at a picture of himself with his sisters. A small, melancholic smile tugged at his lips as he traced his finger over the image. The room was shrouded in silence, save for the quiet sound of his sobs as he clutched a pillow to his chest, yearning for the presence of his sisters.


It was late when Taehyung and Hoseok decided to visit their youngest brother's room to discuss an upcoming project. They had become increasingly worried as they heard muffled sobs coming from behind the closed door. Without hesitation, Taehyung used his key to enter, revealing Jungkook sitting on the floor, his tears flowing freely.

Taehyung approached his brother cautiously and wrapped his arms around him, offering silent comfort. The warmth of the embrace was unexpected but welcomed by Jungkook, who was unaccustomed to revealing his vulnerability.

"Kook, it's okay. You can cry as much as you need to," Taehyung reassured him, his own eyes filled with empathy and sadness. He had never seen his brother cry before, and it tugged at his heart.

Hoseok joined them, rubbing Jungkook's back gently. It was a poignant moment as the three brothers, once so close, shared their grief. Jungkook's words spilled out through his tears, expressing his longing for their sisters and questioning their untimely departure.

They didn't attempt to offer empty reassurances, instead, they let him release his pent-up emotions. As the minutes passed, the brothers found themselves enveloped in a heartfelt hug, embracing the shared sorrow and the memory of their beloved sisters.

In that moment, they understood that although their family had been fractured, their bonds remained unbreakable. Their sister's absence was felt deeply, but their love for each other was an unchanging constant. They could not rewrite the past, but they could continue to support and protect each other as a united front against the world.

The room remained a sanctuary of shared grief and love, a testament to the unbreakable ties that connected the Kim family, even in their darkest moments. As the night wore on, the echoes of their emotions reverberated within the mansion's silent walls.


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