Opening: Project Loud House

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Back in 1600s where Royal woods was just woods, of course the loud's ancestors lived in Scotland but were betrayed by Aggie unknowingly. They were banished four hundred years ago. Overtime things had changed into what we know today is Royal woods, some families had a made for them others not so much after all there was one house that is nestle into the neighborhood. This family isn't really sunshine and rainbows but before we get to that we've got to visit a house with 11 kids especially one eleven year boy whose got a special project.

Lincoln's POV

Lincoln has spent weeks constructing a project based on his family to present in class. Knowing the destructive nature of his sisters, he wants to get all ten out the door as quickly as possible in order to protect his project. "Making this thing was the easy part. The real challenge is getting it to school on time and in one piece to give my report. Sounds easy right? Not in my house if you wanna get all ten of your sisters out the door on time. You have to get up pretty early and you have to have a plan. Lincoln said to the audience until his glass of water starts to shake alongside muffled loud noises coming from the hallway. "The ten headed beast has woken. Wish me luck!" He said picking up his school project proceeds to walk out his bedroom before a bucket of water came down to splash, but he quickly avoided it by using an umbrella already two steps ahead of his comedian sister Luan. "Not Today Luan." "Oh we'll see about that failure is not an option! Haha get it?" She joked to him. He manages to get them ready by dressing Lily, helping Lucy with her poems, avoiding Luan's bucket pranks, giving Leni her acne cream, helping Lisa with one of her positions, helping Lynn find her roller skates, and setting a fight between the twins. "Phew! Okay then we're all ready to go!? Time for phase 4 out of the door!" "Like I said if you wanna get ten sisters out the door you have to have a plan." Lincoln said towards the audience. Just when he thinks everything has turned out alright. Lori gets into a fight with Bobby on the phone, and refuses to come out of her room, leaving the family without transportation, since she is the only kid in the family with a driver's license. "Lori wait! You're the only one who can drive us?" "Get Mom to drive you!!" Lori yelled out stomping to her room. "But she's already left?!" Lincoln said in response taking his attention off the eldest sister towards Leni the not so bright sister now covered in blue skin by the "acne cream" turning out to be one of Lisa's experiments. "Can't something go my way just this once!?" Lincoln said only for Luna to give a chill and honest response. "You can't always get what you want bro.." as Lucy chimed I'm finished with her poem calling it failure. Lincoln manages to fix to solve all of their problems in a nice montage again.

Third Person's POV

Lincoln chased after a naked Lily, to which he stepped in her diaper in the process. He changed into a new pair of shoes as Lucy read him the rest of her poem. "Failure you know there is no one else to blame, for the choices you make are always the same." Lincoln quickly ran over to Lori's door pleading her to come downstairs because of his report this morning, yet she still didn't care and hears the twins arguing over PB & J sandwiches. He quickly gave them both each of the same lunch meal and told them to get to the car, he gave Leni the right antidote for her blue skin problem because Lisa trying to be sneaky with the fake. Lincoln would roast Lucy with his own poem telling his goth little sister to take herself to the car. He manages to impersonate Bobby to get Lori out of her room to the car which thankfully worked on his end. He also helped packing Luna's equipment into the van, and only ten minutes to spare before school starts. "Operation complete! With only ten minutes to spare a loud house first I might add. Let's roll!" Lincoln said with a happy smile before he realizes that he left his school project on the driveway. But he managed to save it just in time, only to drop it after slipping on one of Lynn's skates. "All of this work...for nothing how can I be so stupid?! How How How..." he cried out in disappointment covering his face. "If you're done with your pity party! Maybe we could help." Lori said feeling bad for their brother, the girls tell him that they have a plan to help him pass in such a short amount of time. "In conclusion in my family everyday is a challenge but you can sure that when I need them my sisters will always be there for me! All of them. And sure life in the loud house can be summed up in one word, Chaos but I love that Chaos and I wouldn't trade it for the world." Lincoln concluded his presentation with the help of his ten sisters revealed to being the life-sized version of the project. "That was a fantastic report Lincoln! I'm giving you an A" Mrs Johnson applauded her student. Until she was drenched by a water bucket from Luan's prank and his grade was revised to an A-. This left Lincoln and the other nine sisters in shock while for Luan felt triumphant. So now cutting to Royal woods middle school another student who is the last one of the class to report on their project sitting in the background. "The last student to bring in their family project is...Alex Jefferson?" A male teacher called out his name waiting to see his project.

Alex's POV

Alex had also spent about three weeks creating his family project it wasn't really much a problem, the only thing he would have an issue with is getting it out the door without bunch of beer bottles laying around the floor or his drunk father yell out to him negatively. Alex's project consists of loud music coming from his dad's parlor in the basement, cardboard cigarette in the man, some sleepless nights of capturing the accuracy of his young life adding same art just like Lincoln's but more sad and depressing. "Hello everyone! This is my family project. I wanted to show realistic way of my life. It isn't exactly what you imagined didn't you. Well as you can see my parents are here just one isn't very emotionally present and the other...yeah that's my project guys! Is that good Teach?" He cut himself in the end concluding his project, turning to the teacher with a small smile changing his mood hiding his true feelings which he's gotten good at pulling a Lucy. "That is enough Alex...Thank you for your family project! You get to have an A for creativity." He said with a happy smile uplifting the classroom until a random student was like. "Hey!! How does he get an A? We worked hard on this?!! For three weeks and he gets one so easily just because his life is depressing as heck! No my little pony crap!" Alex looked down with a somewhat calm but somber look heading back to his seat while the teacher immediately silenced the kid with detention for being insensitive. The class was finally over which means he needs to quickly get to his next class but was stopped by his home room teacher named Mr Frond. "Hold on Alex! About your everything alright going on at home are you okay?" "Oh yeah yeah...everything is just fine. I'm alright Mr Frond no need to worry. I should head to Math now...but thanks for checking on me" Alex said with a fake smile scratching his head as he slowly left the room with his home room teacher accepted his answer going to grading other papers. Alex instantly ran to his next class dodging a few students that were in his path, doing some sick parkour in the process and does one wheel barrel roll near his destination. "Yes! I've made it without being noticed by—oof!!" He was excited at first about not being seen by three bullies but was surely mistake when the main leader purposely bumped into him. The first dude had a Mohawk with little nose piercing, the second has blonde shaggy like hair with a beanie some punk like clothes same with the first and the third was just fat with a buzz cut fade the trio was averagely tall their names are Randell, Chase, Keith. "Well Well...Nice project you got there? Emo turd you didn't think you'd escape us?! Ha not a chance now it's punch o'clock!" Randell spoke in a cocky tone smirking down at the emo boy whose eyes were filled with anger and terror though he'd never admit it. "Keith, Chase, grab him!!" Randell ordered his friends with a evil smirk as they do so taking him to the boy's bathroom and basically beat him up giving him a swirly in the process. Now Alex had slowly crawled out of the stall with a little black eye, coughing out some water reaching out to the sink pulling himself back on his feet after receiving a busted lip, his nose was bleeding to more bruises added to his face and quietly sighs walking out the restroom towards the nurse. "My lord what happened to you child?This is definitely going to hurt" Clarissa asked him with shocked look as she applied some alcohol and peroxide on his wounds which makes him yell out in pain. "AHH-SON OF A—" he was cut off by the nurse covering his mouth with a glove. "I fell down some stairs is all. Nothing to be concerned about can I just go back to class" he asked her to which the nurse allowed him to do that. Alex's montage was just him sitting through different classes for the rest of the day, he didn't talk to anyone and kept quiet the entire time he placed his black hood over his head while everyone else was having the time of their lives until the final bell ranged and it was time to go home. "Welp time to go back to hell at home. I'm just glad school was done for the day. I sure hope Toad, Lincoln, Lynn are having a better time than I am. Who am I kidding they are." He talked to himself quietly as he was leaving the school on foot rather bus it wasn't that hard to get home which he eventually does. Before he reaches the door of his house slowly turned looking across the street seen the loud family running out the van that included Lynn who looked like a ray of sunshine and full of excitement as this made the emo boy smile with a blush then quickly gave a wave from a distance which she didn't see too busy tossing her football in the air while heading inside the house and he sighs then walks inside his house with a small smile. 'That at least made me smile seeing her happy' he thought to himself with a forming little smile but that changes when he was greeted by his deadbeat dad with a punch to his stomach instantly dropped to the floor. "Never smile in my direction you mistake! Glad your Finally back from school ehh? And you got fucked up too. I knew you were weak!! I'm going out to drink don't expect any food you mistake!" Andrew told him with confidence in his voice pushing his son to the side and walked out the door towards his car leaving him home alone. "W-Well at least I'm alone...I-Im gonna head to my room." He winced in pain as the lonely boy headed upstairs to his room ending the afternoon.

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