For Bros About to Rock

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Lincoln's POV

Lincoln, Clyde, and Alex are excited to go their first ever of their favorite band Smooch at the mall as the man with a plan was jamming out to a clip of them joined by Alex too in the same room. "Clyde, Alex, Smooch is the coolest band ever!!" Lincoln said with such excitement through his walkie talkie, Clyde would also agree with him alongside Alex. "Copy that! I totally give life a smooch if I wasn't saving my lips for Lori~" which leaves the two boys sharing looks of disgust. "I think I'm gonna go use the bathroom. I feel nauseous..." Alex said feeling very grossed out by that and Lincoln nodded in agreement but watched him run out of the room. "Clyde, Alex, and I are going to see Smooch tonight. And not to make it a big deal of it...It's our first concert!! Okay Clyde meet you at the ticket line in T minus one hour!" "Okay! That'll give me time to work on my dance moves...uhhh" Clyde said through the walkie talkie before failing miserably to dance on his end. So Lincoln opens his door to leave his room only to be startled by his sisters minus Luna behind him alongside Alex who came back from the bathroom. They push both of them back into his room to tell him not to let Luna know that he's going to his first concert, she'll insist on tagging along, and will probably ruin his experience, just like she did at all of their concerts. "Oh man I can't let Luna find out about Smooch!?" Lincoln said feeling very convinced by his sisters bad experiences at concerts with Luna, it's not exactly a great idea to let her be aware of. "Wait Lincoln maybe it won't be so bad to have her tag along? She could add more fun to the experience?" Alex said in a reasonable tone but then was completely overshadowed by Lincoln. "No way Alex after what my sisters just told us! Come on I'm not going let her risk that to ruin our first ever concert!" He said placing his hands onto his friend's shoulders in reassurance but Alex just sighs in irritation letting it slide for now. "Don't worry we can get you out without her knowing!" Lori told her little brother and their neighbor in a calming tone. "Guys I am not getting into one of Lucy's coffins again" "That won't be necessary" Lisa said pulling up one of Lincoln's poster what is revealed to be an emergency balloon slide. "Please keep your arms and legs inside at all times!" The genius four year old told Lincoln and Alex as the two were shoved pushed through the window sliding down while letting out a small yell.

Third Person's POV

Later at Royal woods mall, they meet up with Clyde at the mall. "It's all taken care of! Luna will never know about the concert!" Lincoln said to both of his friends. However, they're surprised to see Luna already in line for tickets and is already aware about the concert, saving them a spot in line. "Awesome! Something has to be done about your duds? Your threads man!" Luna explained to them which left Clyde and Lincoln confused but not Alex since he has to explain it to them. "She means your clothes guys!" "See Alex understands! He definitely knows what's up!" Luna happily told them and gives the emo boy a high five in the process. "I think we're fine..." it cuts to five minutes later which reveals the three boys all dressed up in rockstar uniforms but Alex looked the best out of three wearing some spiked bracelets, black eye liner, his fingernails were black, smooch makeup, and last but certainly not least his hair was straightened being all long showing off more of his hispanic heritage. "So much better! Especially Alex he looks totally rocken!!" Luna said in her usual chill voice. "There's no zipper? What if I need to pee!?" "You'd be having too much fun to pee! Let's see your rock pose?" Luna asked the boys to which Clyde gets into a fetal position showing his rock pose being igneous. Luna looks up at the viewers for a second turning her eyes back to the boys. "No dudes I mean throw up your gunks! Like this yeahhh!!!!" Luna exclaimed throwing up her rock pose signs with lightning effects. Lincoln and Clyde would kind of fail but needing some practice but Alex on the other hand does it way better as electricity effects surrounds him. "YEAHHH!!!! Like that Luna?" He asked with a curious smile. "Exactly!! See Lincoln...Alex definitely got it. We'll work on it later now let's see your dance moves?" "I can't dance?" Clyde said. "What?? Everybody can dance man. You just have to feel the music and move your booty!!" She said while doing just that but accidentally sends Lincoln flying at Flip's fruit & freeze shaved ice stand, ice starts falling down in Lincoln's pants making him move around all uncomfortable. "That's it Lincoln! Come on everybody!! Free show sing along!! Sing it with me!!" Luna said with excitement starts playing her guitar as Alex bobs his head to her music and straights up embarrasses Lincoln in front of everyone including Cristina, which clearly sets him off at her sister. "That's it! We're done here!" "Dude I'm just trying to make you're concert unforgettable!" "All your doing is embarrassing me! Our sisters warned me about you!" Lincoln harshly spoke to her which leads Alex trying to defuse the situation. "Lincoln don't do it!" But Lincoln shoos him away already pissed off. "What are you talking about?" "They said that you've ruined all of their first concerts! Just like how you're ruining mine now!" "Ouch! message received if that's how the way you feel goodnight royal woods mall! Luna Loud has left the building!" Luna somberly said dragging her guitar away.

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