One of the Boys

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Lincoln and Clyde are looking through the fridge for something to eat. Alex was chilling in the kitchen too scrolling on his phone.

Lincoln:Okay let's see what we got? kale,tofu, quinoa?

Clyde: I believe it's called Kiowa.

Lincoln tries the vegetable from the box but of course he spits it out finding it very disgusting calling it Kiblahh. He thought about the reason why all of this rabid food meant one thing.

Lincoln: Lori's on another health food kick.

Clyde: Haa no wonder her skin glows like a Caribbean sunset~

Lincoln: Are you picturing her at the beach again?

Clyde: Uhh No... *popping the thought cloud instantly out nerves*

Alex: He totally was picturing her again. I can see the goo gaga looks in his eyes.

Lincoln would find some peanut butter from the fridge. Knowing he's been hungry for something all day and picks some out from the can, causing Lola at him comment to have more class.

Luan/Mr Coconuts: That's all for sports how about the weather?

Lincoln burps into his sister's face in the process of her joke. Now she tells him another joke about how disgusting he is.

Lincoln: My whole life is like this...

Clyde: What are you talking about Lincoln? You got it made! One guy surrounded by ten awesome sisters!

Alex: That's what I've been saying? You have ten sisters we're just only children here. You got it all man.

Lincoln: Oh Clyde! Sweet Innocence Clyde...And Alex cool reasonable Alex...

A montage shows of Lincoln waiting in line for the bathroom with all nine sisters, which ends up taking a longer time leading to being only Lynn and Lincoln until he was the last guy. He instantly raced out the bathroom for his loofah only to be back in line for the bathroom again. Then shows Lincoln telling his mom was going to see Ronnie Ann then was swarmed by his sisters again. It was a sibling meeting he tried giving suggestions by going to Dairyland it was a thumbs down, Gus's game and grubs, then was shut down when he tried giving more idea and Lori suggests going to the mall. Lincoln would get a thumb cramp and the girls swarm him with their sisterly meddling which ends up with Lincoln getting hit with a fibrillator ending the flashback.

Clyde: Hmm I see your point.

Alex: Okay I can kind of get it. But still have siblings unlike us.

Lincoln: I know guys but sometimes I wish I had ten brothers.

Alex: I mean I'm sorta like a brother to you since I live here in the attic. I know it's not the same but something.

Lisa: And I wish you would not eat our communal peanut butter with your booger picking finger!

Lincoln: See what I mean...But I mean kind of Alex you're more like a roommate than a brother...

Alex: Wow okay...harsh I guess.

Lisa would then get an idea later on that night in Lincoln's room she was sitting on his bed, thinking over on how it would work and Lincoln woke up surprised by her presence in his bedroom.

Lisa: I've been pondering your wish from earlier.

Lincoln: My wish?

Lisa: Yes I can help you out. This wrist watch can transport you to an alternate dimension in which you'll have ten brothers.

Lincoln: Righttt... Lisa I think you've been playing with too many kiddie chemicals.

Lisa would open a portal to which completely shocks Lincoln again didn't believe something like that can happen, if having a sister that's a genius can do that anything is possible.

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