Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru

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Lincoln, Clyde, and Alex were making homemade chocolate pies to make a successful business for Lincoln's class of course Alex is helping them out he doesn't have much to do anyway for school always got free time and barely visible. But when Lincoln goes to get chocolate for the pies, he notices that all of the chocolate is gone but remembers who the culprits were.

Lincoln: What?? Empty Wrappers...I should've Known!

Clyde: It wasn't me? I was with you the whole time.

Alex: Same here buddy! I don't really eat chocolate like that.

Lincoln: I know guys it was my sisters their well known Chocoholics.

Clyde:Well what are we gonna do? We already rolled out 84 pie crusts.

Lincoln: We'll just replace the chocolate with something equally delicious!

At Royal woods Elementary school Lincoln and Clyde were serving at their Pie guys stand as one student tries it but immediately spits it out filled with disgust and confusion.

Random Student: What the heck kind of pie is this?

Lincoln & Clyde: Salt and Vinegar!!

Random Student: Gross!

Clyde: I don't get it? It works on potato chips.

Later at Lincoln's house the boys were trying to come up with a better business idea as Alex was sitting on the front porch waiting for them. Upon hearing Lynn Sr annoyedly scrubbing off bird poop off Vanzilla gives Lincoln an idea.

Lincoln: Clyde! That's it.

Clyde: Bird poop?

Lincoln: We can sell bird houses.

Alex: That doesn't seem like a bad idea. It may or may not work out.

Clyde: Oh great idea but wait we don't know a thing about woodworking?

Lincoln: Eh how hard could it be?

Cutting to trash can filled with a bunch of stuff and the sounds of drills, saw cutting, hammering down to which reveals a small, popsicle stick, bandaid bird house that was poorly made but at least something the three boys created even though it may do poorly for bird that would live in it.

Clyde: I can't believe I doubted us.

Alex: I wish I lived in there.

Lincoln: Really?!

A bird comes flying to their bird house to what it seems to like it at first making the boys excited before the poorly made bird house collapsed onto the bird, making it fly towards the sky and poops on it.

Alex: No....

Lincoln, Clyde, and Alex were sitting in the kitchen trying to come up with another business idea to sell but didn't have much to work with. Then they see Luan has earned $100 by selling balloon animals, causing them to take up the idea. The young trio were at the school with the balloon animals stand. Lincoln failed trying to make a balloon animal in the process as Alex held up a red long balloon but Clyde noticed their first customer.

Clyde: Guys! Look professional we got a customer

Liam: I'll take the uhh...cheeseburger? Or well maybe take the sausage one?

Clyde: It's a bunny rabbit.

Alex: It's a snake balloon...

Liam: Even's for a girl I like.

Lincoln: You know Liam if it's for a girl you should give her chocolate all my sisters love it.

Liam:Oh cool thanks Lincoln!

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