Snoop's On

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(Im feeling sick right now so if this feels rushed is why.)

Lincoln is playing video games in the living room, Leni arrives, looking for a new chapter book to read after Lily took hers to make a book fort. While looking for under the couch, Leni finds a purple book with a guitar, and upon reading the names listed (which include Luna, Luan, Lincoln and Toad.)

Lincoln: This isn't a book it's a diary? Luna's diary! You can't read this.

Leni: Omgosh of course not I'd never invade her privacy like that. Though I do kinda wonder what big secret she was referring to?

Lincoln: Big Secret?

Leni: Mhmm. But I know I can never tell my fam my big secret that I—

It was cut short because Luna was turning the front door knob catching her sibling's attention on the other side so Lincoln and Leni would scatter in the process of hiding Luna's diary. Lincoln pretended to play some video games like nothing happened while for Leni pretends to be a picture frame as Luna came inside grabbing her diary from underneath the chair and goes upstairs.

Lincoln: Phew! That was close.

Leni: I know can you imagine how upset Luna would be if she knew we read her diary?

Lincoln: Well technically you're the one who found it?

Leni: Hey!

Lincoln: Okay Okay so we both read it but that was an accident. And as long as we don't read anymore of it, we're good.

Leni: No matter what big secret she's keeping from the whole family

Lincoln: Right!

The next day cuts to Luna going downstairs looking pretty happy as she told her siblings that she'll be heading out to do band practice with Toad and that she'll be home soon. As Leni uses the laundry basket to Lincoln whose hiding in it to sneak inside Luna and Luan's room to find the diary.

Lincoln: Okay we're in let's find that diary—Ahhh!!

Luan: Freeze you bozos! What are you guys doing in here?

Leni: Um...uh looking for laundry?

Luan/Mr coconuts: Laundry day was Tuesday! Spill it.

Leni: Okay fine we're looking for Luna's diary she wrote it out on a big secret and we have to find out what it is?

Luan: Guys that is so wrong! I can't even joke about it? *Lincoln facepalms to himself on how easily she confessed*

Mr coconuts would then persuade her to finding out what the big secret her sister/roommate was keeping from the whole family as Luan agrees to help them out in the process of pulling another joke on Lincoln by opening her drawer and getting punched by a boxing glove in a box that she couldn't possibly resist. The three siblings would search around the room until Leni was able to find it.

Leni: But I know I can never tell my fam my big secret that I skipped school last Friday to go see a slasher flick at the mall!

It cuts to scene where Luna climbed out the window headed off to the mall on her bike with her classmate Roxie and it felt like a total rush to her breaking the rules.

Lincoln: I can't believe this? Luna's been skipping school?

Leni: And whose this Roxie girl? She sounds like a bad influence we should go talk to Luna right now.

Luan: We can't do that then she'll know we've been reading her diary!

Lincoln: which as we agreed is wrong I guess what's Luna is doing isn't the end of the world. Let's put her diary back and pretend none of this ever happened. *upon saying this the siblings were dumped with dirty laundry by Lynn telling them that they're gonna have to double check it*

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