Roller Derby Rumble

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It was a regular afternoon at the loud house but someone is overthinking in the living room, this turns out to be Alex pacing back and fourth. While Lincoln and Clyde were watching tv but took notice of him seeming a little stuck on something.

Lincoln: Hey Alex are you feeling okay?

Clyde: I feels like he's puzzled about something?

Alex: Oh sorry guys...I'm just thinking about what to plan for a date with Lynn. We've never exactly went on a real date before, except those last two.

Lincoln: You mean the date where I ended up embarrassed myself with Ronnie Ann at the restaurant, then made up for it. Let's not forget the last one with her at the big city...*cuts to a flashback of Lincoln in save the date, then a random memory of him getting chased by pigeons for feeding them too time bread*

Alex: Yeah those were just tag along adventures with that doesn't count. But what should I do to really make things perfect?

Lincoln: Simple just take her out to her favorite things, I'm guessing you really want to show Lynn how special she is to you.

Alex: Well Duh I do. But I'm guessing I should maybe stick to one thing since she loves all things that is sports and want to get her a gift hmm...

Just then through the power of television. It shows the royal woods roller derby and it was having a couple's date night. So it was the answer to Alex's situation and this sparks the idea even further.

Alex: That's it! I'll take her to the roller derby she loves that. Plus before that I can rush over to the mall and get her a gift.

Lincoln: That's a great idea! Maybe we could help find the gift your looking for?

Alex: Yeah that'll work while I'll distract Lynn for a while and it's nothing something out landish, just find this bracelet. *pulls up his phone and shows them a picture of a bracelet with little sports symbols, roller skates, and a heart in the middle*

Lincoln: That looks beautiful!

Clyde: And expensive but thoughtful!

Alex: Right! But I actually gotten the income from my house, my mom's, a lot of saved money I stored up for 7 years so I'm pretty rich but use it wisely. Now operation Surprise Lynn with a gift and go roller derby also think of a shorter now is a go!

Lincoln & Clyde: Got it!

Just then Lynn would come home from football practice looking all happy after another successful win with her friends.

Lynn: Booyah! Lynner has strike again with another epic win!

Alex: Hi Lynn! How was practice?

Lynn: It was awesome we crushed the competition like usual! I wouldn't talk about the other team...*cuts to a montage of Lynn easily scoring a bunch of points against the Georgia Gators making the mascot cry*

Alex: Awesome! Hey why don't we go hangout I know a place let's go!! *he instantly pushes her outside while gestures Lincoln and Clyde to go to the mall, at the same time gives them the money*

Lincoln: Wow Clyde! This costs a thousand dollars?! Let's go do this for Alex!

Clyde: Right we got to get the mall and fast but Lincoln we need a ride?

Lincoln ponders for a second and gets an idea which leads to Leni to give them a hand at driving to mall since Lori is currently in college. She actually managed to drive them to the mall without any accidents which is thank god for them so she waited outside in the parking lol. The boys ran straight to the jewelry store where they're met with nothing but a bunch of teenage girl influencers roaming around for some earrings typical stuff. But they turned their attention to the two seeing some money in their hands and they looked hungry to get any worth of jewelry.

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