Winter Filler

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(This is filler but something lol.)

It was finally the winter time as snow falls. The Loud family were getting prepared for Christmas this month Everyone was at the mall as parents were causing destruction trying to get presents but fought with other people.

The Loud siblings was also caught into the mix. Children were trying to get to Santa Claus or well mall Santa Claus, typically the twins had to bite a few fingers just to get passed other toddlers while the others were basically fighting to get to their gifts like it's World War 3.

Alex on the other hand was at home currently alone and putting up some decorations from the inside then outside, he did somehow manage to place the rubber Santa sled on top. Unfortunately he was now stuck on the roof.

Alex: Damn it. Okay so imma need some help so call in a friend.

He pulls out his walkie talkie and talks to Clyde telling him to come over. Which the nerdy boy did and notices him on the roof.

Clyde: How'd you get stuck up there?

Alex: I don't know Clyde but need some help to get down.

Clyde: How about a rope? Also where's Lincoln and his family?

Alex: At the mall they're manage to forget about Christmas of course they went to the mall and let's just say it's getting violent...

Cuts to a little scene of Luna using her guitar and amp to shoot a lot of bass blasting people away, Luan used more coconuts to tell some jokes while throwing some pies at people as she went to the section, Lynn using her karate skills to beat people up.

Now cuts back at Alex sensing that disturbance in the air with a widened eye look of fear.

Clyde: Ohh...I see what you mean. Well I'll get some rope from my house just wait there

Alex: Not like I have much of a choice...I mean I love it up here ya know...

Clyde knew he was being sarcastic and heads off back to his house.

10 minutes later.

He comes back with some rope and quickly throws it at Alex. The emo teen wraps it around his waist and yet has a feeling this can go good or bad.

Clyde: Ready!?

Alex: Pull me!

Clyde yanks the rope thus pulling Alex off the roof as he yells out happily while falling and lands onto Clyde in the snow.

Alex: Thanks Clyde...

Clyde: No Problem...

The two pat themselves down from the snow and walks into the house.

Clyde: So long is Lincoln going to be out?

Alex: Well he did say if they don't make it back from the mall just keep the house, Mr and Mrs Loud were vague.

Clyde: Huh well I'll just stay here for a bit then go home, my dad's ordered stuff before Black Friday.

Alex: Oh nice nice! wanna go have a snowball fight?

Clyde: Oh you know it!

The two head back outside and proceed to have a snowball fight. Meanwhile The Loud family were unintentionally yet somewhat more causing destruction at the mall as stuff were thrown into the air and other families were doing the same.

Eventually the two were worn out from throwing snow at each other as Clyde was seen covered in a big amount compared to Alex who was laying in some small amount, they were caught in a daze as snowflakes was slowly falling on them.

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