Ties That Bind

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Third Person's POV

It started off as a regular Saturday morning in the loud family household, a bird could be seen flying on the window, until a loud noise blew that poor winged creature away and inside the house starts off with Luna jamming out in the hallway to Lola riding in her little pink car with Lana using a pogo stick following after her as Lisa conducting her usual experiments with Lucy on the attic staircase reading her poems to Lily finger painting the wall and Luan playing with Mr coconuts. "How do you make an egg roll? I don't know how do you make an egg roll? You push it. Good one Mr coconuts but your delivery is a little wooden! Hahaha!!" Luan laughed to herself as the puppet turned towards the comedian with a mad glare, didn't exactly take the joke very well leading Luan to make a surprise face before turning towards the audience. "Is that my shirt? Take it off!!" Lori demanded her sister Leni to do so, to which Leni replies with an worried response. "I can't there are boys here?!" She pointed at the ventriloquist dummy as Mr coconuts gets his eyes covered in the process. Lynn was doing her parkour routine which clearly very good at it jumping from Luna's amp equipments to a perfect landing, she flips over Lola and Lana as for Lincoln fails miserably chasing after her. "See Linc the key to parkour is momentum! Never stop moving! Door jump." She tells him while doing a sick backflip from the bathroom door leaping over her eleven year old brother back onto the carpet. Lincoln would try the same thing but kicks the bathroom door opened, laying on the floor in pain.

Lincoln's POV

"I'm okay just gonna lie here a sec...on the nice soft floor" Lincoln said to nobody before speaking towards the audience about how crazy it be can get in the loud house, but it's just they way like it all eleven of them. He felt very relaxed at this moment before eavesdropping on his parents  through the vents which makes the man with a plan believe that they're talking about their children. "I'm sorry but my mind is made up I want all of that house and on the curb by trash pickup tomorrow." So Lincoln runs off to tells his sisters. Rita expressed from what seems to be in annoyance speaking to her husband Lynn Sr in actuality about the novelty neck ties on how embarrassing they are except his disco tie which makes the blonde mother groan in distress. "That is literally the dumbest thing you ever said." Lori said with a deadpan look on her face as the same look was on everyone else. "Yeah why would they wanna get rid of us?" Lynn said as Lincoln shows the mess they've made in the hallway especially knowing it's that bad when a literal wolf crawling away with a toy. "Oohh" All ten sisters said in unison. "Whatever Mr paranoid this is waste of valuable texting time-" Lori said in annoyed tone as Lincoln stops her from leaving the room. "Lori wait I'm serious! Come listen for yourself." Lincoln begged her to which the eldest sister overhears their parents conversation making her feel sad. "It's True! Mom and Dad are getting rid of us!!" Lori said with a surprise tone telling her nine sisters who are also shocked by this. "I'm going to go down there and give them a piece of my mind!" Lola angrily told her siblings but Lincoln tells them to quiet down but the little blonde princess wasn't having it. "This is what got us in trouble in the first place. The yelling, the fighting, and the loudness.." Lincoln told them which Lori agrees letting them know that they're gonna have to quiet things down and well behaved. "If we all work together maybe we could convince Mom and Dad not to get rid of us. Now whose with me." Lincoln asked his sisters quietly as they all accept and bringing a montage of all the loud siblings cleaning up the messes and being friendly towards one another. Lincoln overhears his parents talking about picking their favorite one instead of keeping all of them, so he makes some delicious breakfast tried to sneak over to his parents room only to be caught by Lola. "Lincoln...Where are you going with those pancakes?" "Uhhh" "And why did you spell world's best dad with chocolate chip?" She questioned her big brother who was astonished by her reading something in general. "You can read?!" "I am more than just a pretty face, now you're up to something and I'm gonna find out what it is". Lincoln explains to his sisters about the bright side of not all of them being kicked out, only one of them gets to stay. "And you thought it be you?" Lynn said while chomping down on a Lincoln pancake. "What happened to we all worked together?" "I'm sorry I just kinda panicked.." Lincoln told his sisters filled with regret. "Dudes Mom and Dad are talking again!" Luna said as all eleven siblings run to the bathroom and listen their conversation through the vents. As They decide which ones to get rid of, they single the kids out one by one until it apparently leaves Lincoln as the one they'll keep. "Well I guess we better go pack." Lori said in defeat walking out the bathroom with the rest of her sisters. "I'm still trying to figure out who the dumb one is?" Leni said not aware of her own air headed mind while Lincoln hears Lynn Sr. saying that he can't pick a favorite, because it's hard, and Rita begs him to get rid of one. "How about the one with the white hair. You know I'm not even sure it's mine?" He said as Lincoln now believing he's getting kicked out, he sadly goes to pack up his belongings and prepares to run away from home. "Lily this is Bun Bun! He needs two hugs a day, try to keep his ears clean." He sadly spoke to his littlest sister but she ends up putting the stuffed animal in her mouth anyway as he tries giving Luan his rarest comics that are limited edition but she refuses. "She's not taking them because you're not leaving! There's no way we're gonna let Mom and Dad kick you out!" Lori said feeling bad for their only brother so the girls decided to confront their parents about the issue.

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