Somber Winter

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(Again Filler chapter why not)

It was a snowy afternoon and school was finally out during this time due to some snow and stuff since it's December. We actually see Alex wearing a black winter jacket with a black winter hat that has a little skull on it with some pants and winter boots.

He's currently sitting in the back of the bus reminiscing on his past a little bit from last Christmas.

He thought about the times where he didn't go through what he went through and it was nice before all the craziness with his father.

Alex: I should go visit...

The bus takes him to the loud household. He ends up going inside and passes by The Loud siblings who were doing their regular activities.

The twins was fighting over the remote.

Leni was too busy talking to the wall.

Luan was talking to Mr coconuts on the chair by the front door.

Luna was spending her Christmas with Toad and his family.

Lisa was conducting some experiments.

Lincoln was reading his comic books.

Lily was currently asleep in her room.

Lucy was reading her poetry in the vents.

Lori came home from college so she's spending her Christmas with her family.

Lynn Sr and Rita made some food for Christmas because why not.

Alex greeted them in the kitchen with a small hug before heading upstairs to his room which was the attic.

Alex: Sigh...I'll just go do that soon enough

He plops down onto his bed tiredly.

Lynn pops into his room through the attic door.

Lynn: Hey Alex! How was after school? was okay...boring without you...just did drawing stuff...

Lynn: I mean anything without you too isn't fun!

Alex slowly sits up with a somber look.

Lynn: What's wrong I can tell your sad just by your eyes.

Alex: Well I wanna go somewhere important today but not sure if you wanna come with me?

Lynn: Of course I will! I want to help you better and wherever you need to go we can go.

Alex: Thanks Lynn. I'll go tell your parents!

Lynn: Got it!

He went downstairs to talk to Lynn Sr and Rita.

Alex: Hey Mr and Ms Loud I'm going out with Lynn for a bit we'll be back.

Lynn Sr: Okay yeah! Make sure you both dress warm.

Rita: And got home soon since it'll be dark outside.

Alex: We will!

Now cutting to the young couple walking through the snow together and going to the cemetery. Lynn now understands why they're here in the first place and Alex was sitting down in front of his mom's grave. He gotten enough funds to at least get a tombstone for her to be placed here since she's buried back in New Jersey.

Lynn would lay her head on his shoulder as Alex sat there in a fetal position looking at the tombstone somberly and remained silent for a bit.



There was just wind blowing in the air as little snow kept coming down. The emo boy and the jock hugged each other for a little while.

Alex: Lynn?

Lynn: Yes Alex?

Alex: You think maybe she's in a better place? I remember Lucy telling me that she's just a lost soul so maybe she found heaven...

Lynn: I feel like she is in a better place now.

They eventually headed back home as it was getting a bit dark outside since daylight savings is finished.

Everyone else would still be either downstairs watching some tv or others were in their room do whatever they wanted to do.

Alex and Lynn went upstairs to his bedroom and started watching some tv together. The snow continued to come down adding more of snowy aesthetic to it.

The grinch was playing on the tv as the couple were talking about the movie.

Lynn: You think maybe the grinch could just go down there and ask to join their Christmas.

Alex: Yeah but that's not how the story goes.

Lynn nodded and remembers something important.

Lynn: Hey Alex I got you a little early Christmas present wanna see it!

Alex: Yeah sure I wanna see.

Lynn quickly goes downstairs to her and Lucy's room before coming back upstairs to show him the gift which was a little Christmas present that was shaped for some jewelry.

Alex: Ooo I wonder what this is?!

He opens it the present and reveals that it was a Diamond skull ring with glowing red eyes. It was like a ring pop but replaced with a skull.

Lynn: Pretty cool right? I got it custom made!

Alex: Where did you get money for this?

Lynn: I saved up a lot of allowance money for the past few weeks.

Alex: Well this is amazing Lynn! I really appreciate this. But I still didn't get you anything?

Lynn: It's okay I gotten myself one too now we match so think of this as like a girlfriend proposal.

Alex: I dig it a lot!

The two would then go back to the movie while drinking some nice hot coco together as they share a kiss together in their alone time and Alex felt so happy to receive that special and expensive gift from his girlfriend.

(I know the chapter feels a little short but it's something hope you enjoyed^^)

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