The first taste - 4

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I put my address into the GPS and he began driving. My face wet and my clothes were stained with tears.

Yoongi looked at me, I could see the sadness in his eyes. Why does he care so much? It's not like we're dating or anything. I just serve him coffee nothing more. Yes I may have a teeny weeny crush on him but that's a whole separate conversation.

I looked out the window, refusing to make eye contact. I was so embarrassed. The ride from the coffee shop to my house wasn't too long, but today it felt like hours had passed. We arrived and I thanked him. I thought it was a bit rude to just let him leave so I invited him in.

Y: Why don't you come in? You can carry on looking at some designs and I can make some food if you're hungry.

YG: Sorry princess, you need sleep not a visitor. Go inside and get some sleep. Text me in the morning.

Y: Text you? I don't have your number idiot?

YG: You'll see, now go.

He said the last part in a low voice, sending butterflies all around my body.

I walked into my building and waved bye to him from the door.

Today was super confusing, I wonder if I was in a dream.

I took the elevator up to my flat and fell on the couch, thinking about everything that had happened today. I sighed, I wasn't going to let her get me down. I opened my phone to loads of messages from Noona and Eomma, I "read" them but never replied. I started looking in my contacts book, what the fuck did he mean by "You'll see" ?

Then I saw a new contact named  "Oppa💗". I don't think he's been okay recently, what is really going on with him?

I knew who it was but still decided to message and act confused just to see his reaction but first I changed his contact name.


Y: Who is this?

YG: How have you forgotten already?

Y: Ohh, is this Kim Dong-Hyun?

YG: Who?
YG: This is Yoongi?

Y: Ohh sorry Yoongi, you saved your number with a familiar contact name. I thought it was an old friend.

YG: He doesn't seem very old. Regardless, you should be sleeping.

Y: You should be too.

YG: Can't, im working princess.

Y: Yoongi

YG: Yes?

Y: Are you drunk?
Y: You've been so weird today.

YG: No, I am not drunk. Just disappointed that you think that you shouldn't sleep. Text me in the morning.

* Yoongi  is offline*

I switched my phone off and decided that maybe he has some sense still in him so I should listen and sleep. I quickly changed and brushed my teeth and pushed myself onto my bed. I grabbed one of my teddies and cuddled it hard, falling asleep instantly.

—— The next morning ——

I woke up to the aggravating sound of my alarm, it sounded like it had been going on for hours. I checked the time and instantly jumped out of my bed. I rang Dae-hyun, asking him if he minded opening up and taking care of the café whilst I got ready.

Gosh I hate Saturdays. Dae-hyun is a student so I don't like making him work on Saturdays especially not at 12pm because it's important to have time for studies and your friends but I had no choice. I'm sure he doesn't mind, he actually doesn't like how I tend to give him a lot of weekends off.

I rushed out the door and ran to the café, I was less than 3 minutes away so I slowed down and started to walk instead. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into a familiar group of 7, causing one of them to spill their coffee.

Y: Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Uhm did you get that coffee from here, I can make you a new one? I'm so sorry.

?: Don't worry about it. I'll just have his.

He took the cup from the man beside him and ran off knowing that he was in danger.

Y: I'm so sorry, give him some tissue when he comes back.

YG: Don't worry, he won't even remember that this happened by the time he gets back which is.... Right now.

A familiar voice popped out of nowhere. I saw Yoongi step forward. That's how I remember this group, they came with him last time.

?: I'm really sorry, I spilt some on you. Here, let me clean it.

Y: No, no it's fine. Really it is. I'm so sorry but I must go now. Come back in and I'll make you another one.

The man complied and I walked in.

"Noona.." The young boy walked slowly to me and gave me a big hug.

"Are you okay? What happened?" This man even though he's in university really was like a little brother to me, seeing the tears in his eyes that he refused to let escape made my heart drop.

He pointed at someone sitting at a table in the far corner.

"He was so mean Noona, he didn't like his coffee and poured it all over the floor. When I went to clean it up, he hit my back and called me useless. I put my phone on the table, I've been waiting for my exam results and I failed all of them noona." The tall figure laid his head in my neck and began crying.

I pushed him away and wiped his tears.

"You're not dumb and you're not useless. This is how you'll prove it to him. Go make this man's coffee again and I'll go chat with that rude old bastard, alright?"

The boy nodded and sniffled, I went towards the man. I was really pissed.

Yoongi grabbed my wrist.

YG: Where was my message princess?
Y: Woke up late plus I'm waiting for some sense to come back to you. Now if you excuse me, I've got someone to deal with.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my red cheeks.

"Stop that will you? It's not funny, rather annoying. We're just about friends."

I hated rejecting him but I couldn't let my feelings towards him grow, I had other things going on.

He followed me whilst I talk to the disrespectful man.

Y: Excuse me sir, have you ordered?
?: Yes I have but it wasn't good so he's remaking it.
Y: No he's not. You will not get a refund either. You were extremely rude to someone probably over 10 years younger than you, you poured your coffee on the floor, called him useless and then used physical violence against him. Please leave and do not return or I'll have no choice but to contact the police.

The man was so angry. He stood up and began shouting at me. He raised his hand to hit me but Yoongi stopped him and pushed him back.

"She said leave." He shouted at him in a low tone causing the man to quickly take his stuff and go.

I sighed, what a way to start the day.

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